متن ارائه وکالتنامه به زبان انگلیسی – Authorize Legal Representation
متن های زیر نمونه نامه های اجازه وکالتنامه در مسائل مختلف می باشند.
Sample Letter #1
My husband, John Doe, and I authorize you to act on our behalf in defending us in the tax matter that we discussed with you last week.
The information on the enclosed diskette includes all of our income records for the past four years. Also enclosed are receipts, bank statements, other financial records, and a brief summary sheet.
We agree to your fee of $200 per hour. Please inform us immediately if you are willing to represent us.
Sample Letter #2

I appreciate the time you spent explaining my options in responding to the divorce papers served on me January 3. I authorize you to file an answer to the complaint and to file a counter claim requesting custody of my three children, whose names and birth dates appear below. In the counter claim, please request that the costs of the suit be paid by my spouse. It is my understanding that you require a $900 retainer. I further understand you charge $l30 per hour for additional filings and court appearances. Enclosed is the $900 retainer. Please confirm that you will represent me in this matter.
Sample Letter #3
With regard to our telephone conversation of June 11, I authorize you to represent my firm in our claim against the Doe Corporation for encroachment upon our property. We trust you will be able to win fair compensation for their use of our easement.
I have enclosed copies of the original deed and plat documents for our property, as well as all of our correspondence with Doe, all of which strengthen our case. I agree to the billing terms we spoke about on June 11, i.e., $250 per hour. If you are still willing to represent me in this, please return one signed and dated copy of this letter and contact me by telephone.
Sample Letter #4
By this letter, I authorize you to act as John’s attorney and to file suit against Doe Corporation to recover damages for copyright infringement. I have enclosed a copy of our copyright and the letters I wrote Doe concerning their infringement.
I have enclosed your $5,000 retainer. I understand that you will bill us at the rate of $250 per hour. I also want to remind you that I must approve any billing beyond 100 hours. You recall that you said that this case should not cost Doe more than $25,000.
If you agree with the terms stated in this letter, please sign it in the space provided at the bottom and return it to me. If you do not agree, please call me immediately so we can make other arrangements.