کلافه کردن به انگلیسی


to bother or annoy (someone) with many comments or questions;  to ask or tell someone again and again to do something


Badger is to bother. Persistently. On and on. Without stop. Relentlessly. Over and over. Endlessly. It comes from the name of that chipmunk-like animal that burrows into the ground.
If you badger someone, you get under their skin.

A badger is an animal that digs tunnels under ground to keep warm.


To badger can also mean to persuade someone through constant annoying efforts.

The celebrity was being badgered by reporters.
He’s been badgering me to clean the garage for months.
She finally badgered me into cutting my hair.
You might badger your mom to add another hour to your curfew or badger your friend to give you a turn with a video game he has been hogging.

Stop badgering her, she’s not interested in buying another pair of your cheap trainers.

Stop badgering me – I’ll do it when I’m ​ready.
She’s been badgering me into doing some ​exercise.
Every ​time we go into a ​shop, the ​kids badger me to ​buy them ​sweets.

(کسی را) با پرسش ها، درخواست ها و غیره کلافه کردن، سر به سر کسی گذاشتن، (شخصی) را مدام با سوالهای بی سر و ته اذیت کردن، چک و چوک کردن، چک و چانه زدن.

If you badger him long enough, I’m sure he’ll agree.

اگر زیاد کلافه اش کنی (سر به سرش بگذاری) ردخور ندارد که راضی می شود.


More examples

Chinese reporters had been badgering the institute for days for information on Dr. Tu.
New York Times Oct 9, 2015
But some of the conservatives who badgered Boehner into retirement already have their knives out for his would-be successor, Kevin McCarthy.
Washington Post Oct 6, 2015
I’ve badgered him for months, if not years, to have lunch and he has finally given up ignoring me.
BBC Sep 30, 2015
Sage grouse scatter when frightened, and when they do they are vulnerable to isolation and numerous predators, from foxes to badgers to eagles.
Washington Post Sep 21, 2015
The Bristol East MP is also vice president of the League against Cruel Sports and has been a fierce critic of the government’s badger cull.
BBC Sep 21, 2015

During testimony, Idom and former black administrators testified district officials targeted white principals with higher scrutiny than black principals and badgered white principals.
Washington Times Sep 18, 2015
Bell, 33, described the appointment as “brilliant” and said he would “badger” the newly retired batsman for advice.
BBC Sep 15, 2015
Ali wanted to come out, but Angelo badgered him to stay in there.
Washington Times Sep 7, 2015
Ministers want 2,000 badgers killed, but protesters say they will attempt to disrupt the cull.
BBC Sep 3, 2015
The Wounded Badger Patrol in Gloucestershire has reported night-time shooting and seeing trapped badgers.
BBC Sep 2, 2015
The government says that it is ready to extend its badger cull policy to Dorset, following pilots in Gloucestershire and Somerset.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
The badger cull is to be extended into Dorset following pilots in Gloucestershire and Somerset last year, the government has announced.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
Ms. Stewart’s response here when badgered about her orientation reminds me of my own difficulties.
Washington Post Aug 23, 2015
He seemed to spend most of his days on his cell phone: planning events, badgering reporters, fielding calls from prisoners and their relatives.
The New York Aug 18, 2015
However, anti-cull campaigners say badgers are being used as a scapegoat for the government’s failure to tackle TB in cattle.
BBC Sep 2, 2015
It found that targets for killing badgers had been met in Somerset, but not in Gloucestershire.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
An independent panel of experts found shooting badgers was not effective.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
It’s also important to note that the debate moderators didn’t badger the candidates.
Washington Post Aug 6, 2015
The DOT website says a limited supply of the badger plates is left and the agency will stop accepting applications for it Aug. 17.
Washington Times Aug 2, 2015
in order to try and answer that question it’s worth looking back at the science on which the current badger culls are based.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
Official figures showed it cost more than £3,300 for each badger that was killed during the cull in 2014.
BBC Aug 27, 2015
The video shows Tensing badgering Dubose for his driver’s license after having pulled him over for not having a front license plate on his car.
Salon Jul 28, 2015
The moderators could have badgered him on any number of things, given Trump’s penchant for being loose with the facts.
Washington Post Aug 6, 2015

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