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Have a bee in one’s bonnet Examples: She never stops talking about dieting – she’s got a real bee in […]
Have a bee in one’s bonnet Examples: She never stops talking about dieting – she’s got a real bee in […]
As busy as a bee To be very busy or very active; to be moving about quickly doing many things; very
Make a beast of oneself To behave like an animal; eat or drink greedily همه چیز را خوردن و تمام
A beast a cruel, brutal person; a coarse or filthy person. ظالم، سنگدل، ستمگر، مثل شمر (شمر ذی الجوشن)، مثل غرود، آدم
Be like a bear with a sore head be very bad – tempered, angry; to be in a bad mood which
Badger to bother or annoy (someone) with many comments or questions; to ask or tell someone again and again to
As blind as a bat having very poor eyesight; having very bad eyesight; completely blind; not able to see well;nearly or
Make an ass of yourself seem foolish, to behave so that one is laughed at; to behave stupidly and look silly; to
Please Get Rid of that Smell Look at these pictures. What is the story about? Now read
The bird has flown جا تر است و بچه نیست، علی ماند و حوضش، سار از درخت پرید، مرغ