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چشمت بهش باشه به انگلیسی

چشمت بهش باشه به انگلیسی

keep an eye on     



To watch very carefully; to guard; to place under surveillance.


1) You have to keep an eye on those workers. One of them has been stealing french fries.

باید چشمت به این کارگرها باشد. یکی از آنها داشت سیب زمینی سرخ کرده می دزدید.

2) I’m going outside for a minute — would you keep an eye on my books?

من دارم یک دقیقه می روم بیرون ممکن چشمت به کتابهام باشه؟

3) Can you keep an eye on my daughter while I go get the car?

ممکن چشمتون به دختر من باشه وقتی دارم می رم ماشین می گیرم.

4) Don’t worry about your baggage. I’ll keep an eye on it.

نگران چمدانهات نباش من چشم بهشون هست.

5) My mom will keep an eye on our equipment while we go get the car.


Through your ‘eyes’ you see and understand the world, and when you

‘keep an eye’ on something, you constantly watch or monitor it to get a

full understanding of what is happening.

A short conversation with keep an eye on    

A: “Excuse me sir.”

B: “Yes.”

A: “I have to go to the bathroom. Can you keep an eye on my suitcase for a minute?”

B: “No problem.”

Other Common Sentences

“Can you watch my bag for me?”

“Can you watch my suitcase while I go to the bathroom.”

اگر سوال یا نکته ای در مورد این مطلب وجود دارد در قسمت نظر خواهی (کامنت) ذکر نمایید.



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