ارسال تبلیغات کپی به مجلات

ارسال تبلیغات کپی به مجلات

متن درباره ارسال تبلیغات کپی به مجلات.کپی تبلیغاتی را به مجله یا رسانه های دیگر منتقل کنید

Transmit an advertising copy to a magazine or other media

Letter #1:
I have sent you a copy of the contract and a copy of the ad to run in the March 15 edition of Doe Antics. Please sign the contract and return it as soon as possible. As we discussed on the phone, the contract contains the customary terms found in our prior contracts. If anything appears out of order, please call John Doe.

Letter #2:
I have enclosed a copy of a poster I would like to hang on the County Job Service bulletin board. If the poster meets the required standards for advertising on county property, please confirm its placement with a brief note to my address. If you need additional information about the poster or its contents, please contact me immediately at 555-5555.

Letter #3:
Enclosed is the first draft of the copy for the Doe Hazardous Waste Disposal ad. I’ve also attached a copy of our contract with Doe, holding us harmless for any and all misrepresentations of fact. Please read the ad copy in light of the contract and call me with any problems you see.

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