ارسال پیشنهاد یا نقل قول

ارسال پیشنهاد یا نقل قول

متن درباره ارسال پیشنهاد یا نقل قول.مزایده . طرح پیشنهادی. انتقال دادن عبارت

Transmit a bid , proposal , or quotation

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

On behalf of Doe Company, I am pleased to present you with the enclosed proposal. I am certain you will find the information in line with your needs. The proposal covers the key points we discussed:

*(list points)

Doe Company is a full-service manufacturing company dedicated to quality products and superior customer service.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. We look forward to meeting with you again after you have reviewed the proposal,


Letter #2:
This letter is in response to Doe Corporation’s invitation for subcontractor bids on the projected south wing addition to Doe’s corporate headquarters. Please find enclosed an itemized estimate of plumbing fixtures, pipes, miscellaneous supplies and labor to complete the job. As the estimate states, we will complete the project as specified for $23,460.

Because we are able to obtain our plumbing supplies wholesale, our bids of this magnitude are generally $2500 lower than our competitors’. Not only are our bids lower, but we pride ourselves on finishing our work on time. In the event that we fail to complete the plumbing by the designated date, we agree to pay the corporation $100 for every day we are past due.

Because we extend such an unusual offer to Doe Corporation, we expect a response within five days so we have time to make necessary preparations. Failing a response within that time, we revoke this written offer.

Letter #3:
Thank you for allowing me to examine your antique dining room set. You are correct in assuming it needs extensive reconstruction, refinishing and upholstering. I am enclosing a detailed breakdown of my bid. Briefly, I can restore the table and chairs for $2500 and the hutch for $1500. Several of the chairs are badly split or broken and require extensive rebuilding. However, reconstruction is worth doing. Your lovely Victorian set could easily auction for $10,000 in mint condition. Please acknowledge confirmation of our bid as soon as possible. I am anticipating your response and am eager to start the project.

Letter #4:
In response to your request for proposal (RFP) for Springfield Bridge expansion, Doe Corporation submits the enclosed bid. We found numerous problems with the bid specifications and noted them in our proposal. Our proposal reflects the additional cost of dealing with those problems. We ask that you act on our bid no later than August 10, 2002, so that we can prioritize our summer work schedule.

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