تایید اجازه شخص دیگری

متن درباره تایید اجازه شخص دیگری.تأیید کنید که به شخص دیگری داده اید. تایید اختیارشخص

Confirm that you have given authorization to someone

Letter #1:
You have my authorization to take over the day-to-day affairs at Doe Corporation while I am on vacation. Because our course is set, there should be no major changes while I am gone. You are authorized to purchase supplies as needed and to sign employee time cards. Should an emergency arise, call me at 555-5555. Otherwise, I will not be available until August 15. I have complete confidence in your abilities and will personally inform the team members of this action.

Letter #2:
On behalf of the Springfield Homeowners’ Association, we the Board of Directors confirm that John Doe has authority as President of the Association to subcontract emergency repairs to plumbers, roofers, and electricians. These rights are limited to emergency repairs only, and not for renovation or remodeling projects. Mr. Doe is required to report all expenditures, along with copies of each month’s bank statement, in his monthly newsletter to the Association.

تایید اجازه شخص دیگری

Letter #3:
This is the written authorization you requested before you start the construction of the office building on 1600 Main Street in Springfield. The terms you stated in your letter are correct. I have attached a countersigned copy of that letter.

Thank you for your attention to detail. I look forward to doing business with you again.

اجازه خروج.اجازه گرفتن.اجازه به انگلیسی

Letter #4:
This letter confirms that John Doe is authorized to represent the Doe Company in contract negotiations with the employees’ union. Union representatives should contact John when they have questions or proposals to discuss. We are confident that John has the knowledge and experience necessary to negotiate a successful settlement. We look forward to concluding this matter in a way that will be satisfactory to everyone.

Letter #5:
This letter constitutes the written confirmation you requested with regard to our agreement over the telephone. You are authorized to use my security code to gain after-hours access to the offices of the John Doe Corporation for the week ending June 12, for the purpose of installing new computer equipment and software. This will be done in accordance with the terms of the contract we reviewed and signed on May 30.

We are looking forward to having the new equipment in place, and trust that this will lead to an ongoing and mutually beneficial relationship.

تایید دریافت یک مشتری

صحبت در مورد امتحا نات _ یافتن اطلاعات به زبان انگلیسی

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