تبریک روز مادر یا پدر

متن درباره  تبریک روز مادر یا پدر. تمدید روز پدر یا مادر. طولانی کردن روز تبریک

Extend Mother Day or Father Day greetings

Letter #1:
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I miss you and wish I could drop in for one of your hugs. I want you to know how lucky I feel to have you for a mother. Even with our large family you always had time to listen to my concerns and help me with my school problems. I even remember all the times you waited up for me when I was dating Jane. I understand now how much you cared for us all.

I especially appreciate the way you taught me to work. I wasn’t always a willing worker, but you knew what I needed to learn. I hope I can have the same kind of patience with my own children. I am very blessed to have you for my mother. Happy Mother’s Day! With all my love.

تبریک روز مادر یا پدر

اس‌ام‌اس و پیامک‌های زیبا برای تبریک روز پدر یا روز مرد

Letter #2:
I know you like to get those cartoon cards with the clever verses, but this time I want the message to be my own. I wish I really knew the best way to tell you how important you are to me, because I have looked up to you all my life. I’ve wanted to do things the way you do them, to treat others like you do, and to earn and hold respect the way you have. You’ve set a high standard that I hope someday to meet. Thanks for making me look up. I love you very much. Happy Father’s Day!

Letter #3:
Happy Mother’s Day to the newest mother in our family. Your father and I are very grateful to you for our first grandchild. We have talked many times of how young and inexperienced we were when you were born, but look how well you have turned out. You have always been one of our greatest joys. Our prayer is that you will thoroughly enjoy your years as a mother. Happy Mother’s Day, this day and all year long.

Letter #4:
Happy Father’s Day. There’s no Husband’s Day, you know, so I only have to be mushy once a year. Here goes. You’re a wonderful husband and father. I knew when I married you that you would be a good father and you have never disappointed me. Thanks for making time for the kids. Thanks for being a fine example for them. They adore you. Thanks for being a thoughtful husband. I think you’re “rad,” to use the words of your youngest son. Happy Father’s Day.

نامه تبریک به کارمند

مکالمه انگلیسی درباره احوالپرسی عمومی (General greetings )

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