ترکیب در جمله بوسیله (not only… but also)

ترکیب در جمله بوسیله (not only… but also)

جملاتی که دارای فاعل یکسان هستند بوسیله کلمات (not only) و (but also) به هم ربط داده می شوند.

همیشه برای ترکیب دو جمله بوسیله (not only) و (but also) و فاعل و فعل مشترک بین دو جمله را نوشته و سپس (not only) آورده و سپس ادامه جمله اول و قسمت مشترک جمله دوم (که با جمله اول مشترک بود) را حذف کرده و سپس و (but also) را آورده و بعد ادامه جمله را نوشته .

– He is kind. He is helpful.

– He is not only kind but also helpful

He not only read the book, but also remembered what he had read.
My mother not only taught me, but also helped me with my homework.
There is not only a strong sense of community in this town but also a suitable condition to improve.
She not only wants to go to the university, but also is going to have a part time job.
My boss not only got angry, but also punished me to do my work again.
After winning the prize, she not only became famous overnight but also could trip all over the world.


Ali’s friend not only works as a doctor but also writes novels in his spare time.
Praise not only was besieged for four months but also forced to surrender.
Nada not only will be invited but also treated as a special guest.
Maryam not only couldn’t rouse herself to say anything in reply but also left the meeting as soon as possible.
You not only will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65 but also will have a happier life.
She not only wishes she could bring him back to life but also is very sad about everything that has done against him.

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