تسلیم شدن، سپر انداختن به انگلیسی

تسلیم شدن، سپر انداختن به انگلیسی

Throw in the towel     


Definition:     To quit. informal to admit that you have been defeated

تسلیم شدن، سپر انداختن


1) The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers.

2) Mike ‘Boom Boom’ DeNola threw in the towel after three rounds. He’ll probably have to spend a few days in the hospital, followed by a long convalescence in Miami.

3) I was ready to throw in the towel, but I stayed with it.

می خواستم تسلیم بشم اما طاقت آوردم.

4) He’s not a quitter, so he’s not going to throw in the towel.

ََA short conversation with Throw in the towel

A: “The boxing match is great.”

B: “One guy is really getting beat up.”

A: “Do you think he’s going to give up?”

B: “He’s not going to throw in the towel, they rarely do that these days.”

Other Common Sentences

“There’s no chance for me to win. I’m calling it quits.”

“I don’t think I can win, so I’m going to give up.”

“I’d rather surrender than get the hell beaten out of me.”

Etymology:     This phrase comes from boxing. When a boxer is too beat up to continue, his coach throws a towel into the ring to signal that the fight is over.


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