تشویق خواننده برای کار خوب

متن درباره تشویق خواننده درباره کار خوب.خواننده خود را تشویق کنید تا بتوانید کار خوبی انجام دهید.راهکارهای افزایش کار خوب

encourage / motivate your reader to keep up the good work

Letter #1:
I have observed your class on several occasions now, and find your enthusiasm and love for learning very contagious. You know how to inspire others to do their best. We are fortunate to have you with us.

As you know, it is time to hold our annual career workshops for the juniors and seniors. We hope you will be willing to host a session on opportunities for graduate studies. You are clearly the best person for the job, and I know you can make a significant contribution. Please drop by my office next week so we can talk about it.

تشویق خواننده برای کار خوب

Letter #2:
I was glad to hear you had finished your article but didn’t realize until I read it what a remarkable job you had done. I can only imagine the time and patience it took to gather and analyze all the data, let alone to present it in such a revealing way. Jane and I have taken the liberty of sharing it with some of our friends and they are equally impressed.

You undoubtedly have a promising future in journalism as you continue to do this type of investigative reporting. What you are doing is a great service to all of us. We hope you will continue.

Letter #3:
I understand that we landed the Doe account and that your participation was essential. Your persistence and attention to detail have paid off. Jane Doe specifically asked for you to stay on and manage the account. I have no doubt that you will show the same high level of commitment as account manager. Well done. We are proud to have you on our side.

تشویق و تبریک تماشاگران

Letter #4:
I want to express my sincere thanks and congratulations on the release of the most recent version of our software. Without your leadership, dedication, and long hours of hard work, we would not have been able to meet our deadline or create such a fine product. We have already begun to receive positive feedback from customers who have received the software, and we expect to reach a new group of customers who will appreciate the ease with which they can use the program.

Your contribution to this project cannot be overstated. We look forward to many productive years and new projects.

راه های تشویق خواننده

Letter #5:
I am very grateful for the work of all the volunteers at the Springfield Free Clinic. Your willingness to volunteer your time and your professional expertise are what keeps the Clinic going. Last year the Clinic helped an average of 300 patients a month.

I hope we can count on you next year to continue to donate one four-hour shift a month to the Clinic and to encourage your colleagues and employees to donate their time as well. Each of you continues to be a great asset to our organization. Thank you for all you do.

تشویق خواننده برای فروش

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