تشکر برای مهمان نوازی

متن درباره تشکر برای مهمان نوازی. اگر می خواهید یه نامه بنویسید این نمونه نامه ها مفید است. می توانید از مهمان نوازی و ضیافت شخصی تشکر کنید.

 thank someone for hospitality

Letter #1:
I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable time than I had at your dinner party. The decorations were marvelous, the food superb, and the company fabulous. You have an ideal home and family. I don’t think we’ll ever forget John’s funny stories after dinner.

We are fortunate to have such wonderful, thoughtful friends. We’re very spontaneous, so don’t hesitate to call or drop by when you feel like getting together.

Letter #2:
Our sincere thanks for having us in your home when we attended the Doe conference last week. It gave us a chance to catch up on the news and get acquainted with your family. We especially enjoyed our evening conversations over bedtime tea. I hope we didn’t impose too much on your busy schedule. Please remember that you are always welcome to stay at our place when your travels bring you to Kansas. Thanks again for your warm hospitality.

Letter #3:
I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your kindness in letting me stay at your home when I was in Springfield. It was a delight to see a loving family interact and enjoy each other’s company. It showed me how a family can be close in spite of everyday pressures. You and John have created a great home atmosphere.

I would really like for all of you to come on vacation to our house near the seashore next July. I have plenty of room, and Jane would like to meet you all. I’ve told her a lot about you. If July is not a good time, how about August?

Letter #4:
I want you to know how much I appreciated your inviting me out for the evening when I was in Springfield on Monday. I enjoyed the dinner and conversation, and it was a great pleasure to meet your husband.

Thank you for your kind hospitality.

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