تعریف عرضه کننده کالا

متن درباره تعریف عرضه کننده کالا. تعریف یا ستایش عرضه کننده کالا یا خدمات. تعریف کردن از تهیه کننده کالا یا خدمات.

compliment or praise a product or service supplier

Letter #1:
We want you to know that we are very pleased with the quality of service your company provides. We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and the way you conduct business. We have recommended your company to others because of our satisfaction with your service. We look forward to doing business with you for years to come.

Letter #2:
We want you to know how much we appreciate the way you have cared for our lawns and flowers this year. I can’t remember a time when our lawns have looked so nicely groomed and weed-free, or when the flowers have been more beautiful. Several visitors to the corporate headquarters have commented on how nice things look. Thank you for your excellent service.

Letter #3:
Thank you for your prompt deliveries to our Doe Plant.

In our business we must get our products to the stores on a regular schedule. We rely on dependable service from suppliers like you to help us keep our schedule and satisfy our customers. We want you to know that we appreciate your efforts and look forward to continuing our business relationship.

Letter #4:
Thank you for the computer benchmarks produced by Springfield Computer Associates; they really are excellent!

Computer benchmarks produced by an independent third party such as your company provide a professional and unbiased standard that the industry relies on for making critical purchasing decisions. In addition, the software is easy to use and is updated regularly.

Thank you once again for your contribution to the industry.

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