دعوت نامه برای مهمانی فصلی

دعوت نامه برای مهمانی فصلی

متن  درباره دعوت نامه برای مهمانی فصلی.دعوت نامه را به احزاب فصلی ادامه دهید: هالووین، روز سنت پاتریک، روزولنتاین و غیره

Extend invitation to seasonal parties: Halloween , St.Patrick Day, Valentine Day ,etc

Letter #1:
It’s Jack-O-Lantern time! We are inviting ghosts, goblins, and all other friends in disguise to a Halloween costume party. Come to our mausoleum at 1600 Main Street, October 31, at 8:00 p.m. Bring a partner and we will supply the cider, refreshments and fun! RSVP before the cats shriek, the dogs howl, and the pumpkins are brought inside for safekeeping!

Letter #2:
It’s time to get out the green! All Irish and would-be Irish are invited to the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, leaving at noon, March 17, from 1600 Main Street and continuing to Maple Street, where we will have a corn beef and cabbage dinner in the old high school gymnasium. The Shamrock Dance will begin at 8:00 p.m. at the same location. All ages are welcome.

Letter #3:
The Springfield Country Club announces its annual Valentine’s Sweetheart Ball February 14, at 9:00 p.m. in the Doe Hotel ballroom. The Doe Wildcats will once again provide the music. Dress is semiformal and the cost is $10.00 per person. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP by February 10.

Letter #4:
Was that you or your mask? Wear your costume on Friday to the annual Halloween Ghoul & Monster Mash. The party starts at 10:00 p.m. in the conference room and doesn’t end until we’re all dead. Bring your favorite treat and RSVP to John at extension 123.

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