مثل شمر ذی الجوشن به انگلیسی

A beast


a cruel, brutal person; a coarse or filthy person.

ظالم، سنگدل، ستمگر، مثل شمر (شمر ذی الجوشن)، مثل غرود، آدم وحشی، وحشی صفت، حیوان صفت، مثل یزید، آدم سنگدل، بی رحم، مثل شداد، از خدا بی خبر، نابکار


Hunger brought out the beast in him.
She is such a beast.

just look at the way he treats his wife! He’s a beast!

درست نگاه کن چه رفتاری با زنش دارد؛ آدم سنگدلی است.

(jokingly) give me one of your sweets; don’t be a beast!

(به شوخی) یکی از شیرینی هایت را به من بده؛ همش به فکر خودت نباش!

beauty and the beast

more information

A beast is an animal and usually not a gentle or attractive one. You can also call a person a beast when they’re behaving in a crude, savage, or horrible way.


There are many types of beast in the world: dogs, cats, horses, monkeys, birds, and fish are all beasts. Even tiny critters like bugs are beasts. A beast is basically any living thing, except for plants, because plants can’t intentionally move. People can be called beasts too when they behave in a beastly way. A criminal is likely to be called a beast. So is a rude person. Anyone acting in an uncivilized or cruel way is being a beast.

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