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متن درباره مجلات


Letter #1:
Dear (Name):

Your business associate, John Doe, has told us about your line of women’s care products.

Our publication, Women’s Beauty Care Monthly, is one of the most widely read publications on the subject.

We pride ourselves on keeping women up to date on all beauty trends and products. And that’s why we have this special offer for you. We will offer you three free months of advertising space when you sign a 12-month advertising contract with us.

Beyond the obvious benefit–12 months for the price of nine–the most important benefit is exposure to your products. As you know, the only way to sell is to let people know what you have! With our large and targeted audience, you can rest assured that you will reach the greatest number of potential customers for the least amount of money.

Women’s Beauty Care Monthly features a new products section in which we can advertise your products next to an informative column.

We can help you with ad copy and design at no extra charge.

I have enclosed a rate card with ad sizes and costs, and the 3-months-free option is one I am offering you personally. I’ll call you next week to work out the details. I look forward to working with you.

Yours truly,

Letter #2:
Dear (name):

With the release of the latest (industry newsletter), Doe Magazine confirmed that subscription sales are up an impressive 23% over last year. This figure, coupled with our 20% increase in newsstand sales, makes Doe Magazine one of the fastest growing Home and Garden publications in the U.S.

Why is Doe Magazine making such an impact?

*(list reasons for success)

When John Doe, your adverting representative calls on you, he will have good news about our new demographic profiles and super low rates. All of this translates into a big advantage for you. We hope that–like so many of our advertisers–you’ll come to appreciate the distinct advantages of Doe Magazine.

Yours truly,

Letter #3:
The Next 12 Months Will Be Special to Your Health

Dear Friend,

Someday you’ll look back on this moment as the beginning of a new life, when you chose to open the door to a universe of healing alternatives that you won’t learn about from your doctor. Nor will you learn about them from some faceless web site or from drug company propaganda.

Isn’t it time you experienced better health, a more robust immune system, a reversal of chronic conditions that have plagued you or your loved ones, relief from pain, and truth about the miracles of healing being experienced around the world? All these benefits can be yours right now with a commitment to better health.

No matter if, in the past, you promised yourself to make changes and came up short, or followed the advice of a well-intentioned doctor and saw little benefit, this time it will be different. Your commitment will become real, lasting, and powerful.

The difference will be Doe Health Magazine.

As the publisher of Doe Health Magazine, I make you this commitment: health and wellness or your money returned. Here are some of the topics we discuss:

*(list 3-5 prominent topics)

Also, when you subscribe, you’ll receive the exclusive Doe Wellness, a step-by-step guide to creating a focused wellness program that’s just right for you. It’s yours FREE as a subscriber.

Remember, we back your subscription with a guarantee: If at any time you’re not completely satisfied with Doe Health Magazine, for any reason whatsoever, you’ll receive a full and unconditional refund, every penny. And Doe Wellness is yours to keep, FREE.

It’s time to take the first step towards true and lasting wellness. It’s easy to get started. Start your subscription now!

Here’s to your health,

Letter #4:
Dear (name),

Did you know that geese mate for life? Or that tumbler pigeons tumble due to quick seizures?

Get all this information and more with a special introductory subscription to Doe Bird Magazine. For just $21 you can get 12 full-color, information-packed issues. That’s 40% off the cover price. If you are dissatisfied in any way, we’ll gladly stop your subscription.

Don’t miss an issue! Get Doe Bird Magazine.

To take advantage of this special introductory offer, call 555-5555 or return the enclosed reply card.


Letter #5:
Dear (name),

We’re disappointed you canceled your subscription. Your approval is important to us, and we hope we can convince you to reconsider. Our surveys show that 96% of our subscribers are happy with Doe Magazine, so when someone cancels, we wonder why.

May we offer to correct any problem you may have had with your subscription? Or perhaps we can answer some questions? In any case, our customer service team is ready to help.

To entice you back, we would like to offer you a free (premium)–a $15 value.

Please call us today: 555-5555. We truly want you back. Thank you.


Letter #6:
Dear Jane,

Thank you for being a valued customer since May 20. Because you’re important to us, we’ve created Doe Home Finances Today, a publication that’s all about your personal financial needs. In it, you’ll read about topics ranging from money-saving tips to how to choose a financial advisor.

Doe Home Finances Today gives you useful information to make your life a little easier. After all, that’s what Doe is all about. Enjoy Doe Home Finances Today, and thank you again for being our valued customer.


Letter #7:
Dear (name),

You asked for it, and here it is–your first free issue of Doe Interior Design Magazine. Each issue is packed with full-color photographs, informative articles, timely editorials, and profiles of the pros.

We are sending you three free issues so that you can see for yourself how valuable Doe Interior Design Magazine can be. Take a few minutes now to skim this first issue. Learn how to:

*(list prominent subjects in the magazine)

When your complimentary subscription ends, we’ll offer you an incredible subscription price–only $15…half what you would pay at the newsstand.

Or, subscribe today and receive our free book, “Decorating for Pennies.” Complete and return the enclosed postage-paid card today. Of course, you will still receive your three free issues.


Letter #8:
Dear (name),

Your complimentary subscription to Doe Bridal Magazine ends with the April issue. We hope you have enjoyed these timely issues. You won’t want to miss a single one. Here are just some of the wonderful articles that are upcoming:

*(list prominent articles)

Please take a moment to complete and return the enclosed card to continue receiving Doe Bridal Magazine uninterrupted.


Letter #9:
Dear (name),

Here’s a way to renew your 12-month subscription to Doe Home Magazine and get a “Baker’s Dozen!” 13 issues for the price of 12!

But you must renew by (date).

Your subscription to Doe Home Magazine will end on (date). To get your “Baker’s Dozen,” please return the enclosed renewal card today.


Letter #10:
Dear (name),

It’s renewal time and you won’t want to miss a single edition of Doe Financial Quarterly. This is the industry’s best information on trimming corporate costs and increasing revenues.

Here’s an added bonus: if you renew your subscription by (date), we will send up to ten of your colleagues a free trial subscription to Doe Financial Quarterly.

And we also have something for you! When you renew your subscription we will send you our free new booklet called “How to Avoid Ten Big Financial Mistakes.” This booklet is a $15 value–but yours is free just for renewing today!

Your subscription expires on (date). To renew, call us toll-free at (800)555-5555, or complete and return the enclosed subscription card in the postage-paid envelope.


Letter #11:
Dear (name),

Can you believe it? It’s been almost a year and your subscription is about to expire. Don’t miss a single issue! Renew your subscription today to Doe Magazine.

If you do nothing, your subscription will expire right before our extremely popular Christmas product review. We know you don’t want to miss reading about

*(list prominent upcoming articles)

Remember: only subscribers receive our great subscription rate–50% off the cover price. So, subscribe now and make sure you don’t miss a single issue.

Call 555-5555, or return the enclosed reply card today!


Letter #12:
Dear Doe Advertiser:

I am pleased to report that we have had overwhelming response to the current issue of Doe e-Magazine and want to thank all our advertising partners for continuing to share in this success. Our primary goal is to support you with the magazine’s “new generation” feature.

We have been pleasantly surprised by the high number of sales leads we are receiving, and have found other unanticipated benefits from Doe e-Magazine as well. One of these is the role it plays in educating our advertisers’ sales forces. As a result, sales professionals are better able to drive revenue. Perhaps that’s why many of our advertisers have embraced Doe e-Magazine as a key part of their marketing strategy.

The next issue in our new quarterly publication schedule is slated for release in early July. Once again, it will reach a worldwide audience of more than 50,000 people and will include:

*(list prominent features)

You’ll find details about the various advertising options in the attachment. If you have questions, or would like more information about these options, please contact (name) at (phone, email).

Sincerely yours,

Letter #13:
Dear Subscriber,

The fact that you have chosen to cancel your subscription is a disappointment for us. You are important to us. Our reader feedback shows that over 9 out of 10 of our subscribers are happy with Doe Magazine so when one of our valued subscribers cancels, we naturally wonder why.

If there’s anything we can do to correct a problem you may have encountered, our customer service team is ready to help. We think you will be very interested in our upcoming issues. For example, you will read about:

*(list interesting upcoming articles)

This is our personal invitation for you to resubscribe today. If you have any questions, please call: 555-5555.


Letter #14:
Mail this card now to get your FREE issue of Doe Monthly!

Yes…You heard right. Enter your subscription to Doe Monthly and we will send you the latest issue FREE. Then, if you’re not absolutely convinced that you should be receiving this fine publication every month, just write “CANCEL” on the invoice, return it to us, and you owe nothing. No risk!

Should you choose to continue, we will send you our “Around the World” cookbook FREE! That’s a $29.95 value–more than the subscription price to Doe Monthly.

So, subscribe today and we’ll send you a FREE issue. Once you pay the invoice for the remainder of your subscription, we’ll rush you your FREE cookbook.

Subscribe today!

Letter #15:
Don’t just take our word for it.

We have reserved a sample copy of Doe Magazine in your name to read and enjoy. If you aren’t delighted, return your invoice marked “cancel,” and you owe nothing. Why do we make this offer? Because we know that once you receive your first issue of Doe Magazine you’ll know that it’s for you.

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll find in every packed issue of Doe Magazine.

* (list interesting articles and features)

You’ll chuckle, smile, and cry with laughter at the humorous columns…

* (list examples)

If you enjoy upbeat articles about celebrities, you’ll find many. Here are some of the latest:

* (list examples)

What have you got to lose? Send in your reply card today. We’ll send you a free issue of Doe Magazine along with an invoice for your subscription. If you are not totally delighted, just write “cancel” on the invoice and mail it back–but keep the first issue as our gift.

Letter #16:
A free copy of the Doe Magazine has been reserved in your name.

It’s our way of introducing you to a publication that is enjoyed by many thousands each month.

Doe Magazine brings you:

* (list 3-5 prominent features)

Regularly $3.95, it’s yours FREE!

Also, if you act today, you’ll receive a free copy of Doe Consumer Newsletter–a $3 value. In its pages you’ll find dozens of new ideas and techniques that can start making and saving you money immediately.

Your free copy of Doe Magazine and Doe Consumer Newsletter are worth $6.95. But they’re yours absolutely FREE.


Letter #17:

…has arrived, but we have not yet heard from you concerning your subscription.

We do not want you to miss a single issue simply because you failed to respond in time. That’s why, as an incentive to renew today, DOE MAGAZINE is offering you the following low renewal rate–60% off the cover price!

Don’t miss out. If you act today, you’ll also receive a FREE GIFT! Complete and return the Renewal Savings Form below at once.

Letter #18:
Because of your involvement in industry, you have been selected to apply for a free (no fee whatsoever) monthly subscription to Doe Magazine–a powerful, award-winning magazine published monthly for professionals.

That’s right. You receive 12 issues FREE–as a courtesy. Let me be clear: you will not be billed, ever!

To activate your complimentary subscription, simply mail in the enclosed reply card today.

We must ask that you confirm on or before August 15. Thank you and welcome.


P.S. Others pay $25 a year for this publication.

Letter #19:
Dear Jane,

Are you wondering how you’re going to influence buying decisions and bring in additional revenue over the next year?

I’m John Doe, your Marketing Services Consultant. Please allow me to demonstrate how the “Supplier Section” of Doe Magazine can help you achieve your goals.

Impact over 90,000 highly qualified Doe Magazine subscribers with an ad in the “Supplier Section.” Reach key buyers and decision-makers in the prime manufacturing arenas to garner your share of sales.

When these key people are looking to make a buying decision, they look to the “Supplier Section.” A year’s listing in the “Supplier Section” not only increases your visibility and exposure, but will keep your products and services in the forefront during the chief buying cycles throughout the year!

As an added service our creative experts are available to assist in the design and production of your company’s ad. Call me today for a complimentary sample ad and custom-tailored proposal for your specific marketing needs.

I’ll look forward to speaking with you soon and helping you make your marketing plans a complete success!


Letter #20:


We want you back. Your name has been placed on a list of expired subscriptions. We want to extend to you a special opportunity to renew at a special rate–just 50% of the cover price.


Here is what you missed in the last issue:

* (list prominent articles)

You won’t want to miss upcoming editions!

Won’t you please take a moment to fill out the enclosed renewal card and return it to us today? Or, if you like, phone 555-5555.


Letter #21:
Dear Subscriber:

Whew! There’s still time to renew your subscription to Doe Magazine and not miss an issue.

This year, Doe Magazine published dozens of informative articles that piqued the inquisitive mind. You read about:

* (List 5 or more prominent articles)

We guarantee that each edition of Doe Magazine will be just as stimulating.

Don’t miss a single article. Renew your subscription now and take advantage of some extraordinary savings.

Choose the subscription that’s right for you:

* 1-Year Subscription … Save 30%

* 2-Year Subscription … Save 40%

* 3-Year Subscription … Save 50%

Send no money. Just mail in the subscription card in the postage-paid envelope. We’ll bill you later.

Renew now! We’ll rush you the next issue of Doe Magazine. You won’t miss a beat!


P.S. Be sure to read (name of interesting article) in our next exciting issue!

Letter #22:
Dear Baseball Player:

You can increase your batting average by 25 points this season by subscribing to the revolutionary new baseball magazine, Doe Baseball Magazine!

And, with the special offer described later, you can save half off the regular subscription price.

Doe Baseball Magazine is the first fully instructional baseball magazine written specifically for both the pros and the beginners. Each month, coaches and professionals take you step-by-step through the fundamentals. Every issue covers an essential aspect of the sport. You’ll discover practical instructions, in-depth photo essays, informative question-and-answer columns, helpful tips, and more!

Doe Baseball Magazine is used by coaches at clinics. They know its instructional value. Now, it’s your turn to take advantage of this innovative baseball magazine.

The regular subscription price for Doe Baseball Magazine is $20.00. But, for a limited time, you can have a full year’s subscription for only $10.00. That’s half off! We offer this special price only once. It will not be available again. Be sure to order now.

If, for any reason, you are not delighted with Doe Baseball Magazine, just cancel your subscription and receive a full, no-questions-asked refund. That is how positive we are that Doe Baseball Magazine will improve your game.

So order now! You’ll be on your way to your best batting average.


P.S. As a special premium, we will send you a new Wilson baseball when you subscribe. That’s a $19.00 value!

Letter #23:
Dear Mr. (Name):

You love the movies? Well, here’s a gift for you. Return this card by September 30 and receive a packet of free movie tickets for two. How do you qualify? Easy! Just subscribe to Doe Magazine for one year. That’s it. And if you act today, we’ll send you a free CD of famous movies themes with your free movie passes.

We hope you’ll accept this money-saving offer.


Letter #24:
Dear Former Subscriber:

Whether you’re employed by an investment company or you’re an individual investor, you need an impartial opinion before making an investment decision. DoeInvestmentMagazine.com can help.

We are pleased to provide you access to thousands of annual reports on publicly traded companies–FREE! Search for a report by either company name or by industry and download it immediately. Click here to find a report:

Be informed. Get the information you need to succeed when you are making your investment decisions–FREE!

Letter #25:
Dear (Name):

It’s time to renew your subscription to Doe Collector’s Magazine, the serious collectors’ monthly magazine.

In addition to keeping you up-to-date on collectibles, trends, and auctions, Doe Collector’s Magazine gives you discounts off admission to local and national collectors’ conventions. Best of all, a percentage goes to our museum to preserve rare national treasures.

Doe Collector’s Magazine could do none of this without you. Thank you in advance for filling out the enclosed renewal form and sending it to us right away.


Letter #26:
Dear (Name):

We’re sure you’ve enjoyed receiving Doe Home Magazine. Each month we bring you the best ways to remodel at inexpensive prices. Your subscription ends soon, and we don’t want you to miss a single issue. To receive another year’s award-winning articles, please complete and return the attached form.

We are now offering some of our most affordable rates ever:

*(List various subscription plans)

Here are some of the great articles we have planned for upcoming issues:

*(List prominent upcoming articles).

So don’t miss an issue! Renew your subscription today.

Letter #27:
Dear (Name):

Your current subscription to Jelly of the Month Club runs out in June. In order to ensure you continue receiving the finest Jellies in America, you must return the enclosed renewal card to us right away.

We know you have enjoyed our delicious jellies. That is why we have such a high retention rate among our subscribers. Each month we send you a new flavor. Here is what we have planned for the next few months.

*(List upcoming selections)

You won’t want to miss one!

Thank you for your continuing support for Jelly of the Month Club. Please renew today!


Letter #28:
Dear (Name):

Winter is coming and that means the beginning of basketball season. But your subscription to Doe Basketball Review is about to expire. You won’t want to miss a single edition. In upcoming issues we will have articles about:

*(List interesting articles)

We want you to stay informed about the world of basketball. We are pleased to offer you a one-year renewal for only ($). That’s 50% off the cover price. And, if you renew today, we’ll send you a free Basketball Guide listing up-and-coming high school stars as seen through the eyes of the scouts.

Professional players read Doe Basketball Review. You should too. Return the enclosed renewal card today. We look forward to bringing you the action on the court and in the locker room.


Letter #29:
Dear (Name),

Niche markets–highly profitable but hard to reach. The solution? Advertise in a publication that targets just your market.

Your market-mini-widgets have thousands of users, but they are spread out all over the country. But, for the last 20 years, Doe Widget Magazine has published specifically to that market. Today we have a loyal following of 65% of widget enthusiasts.

Now you have a way to reach that specialized audience. These are the very people you need to reach with your advertising message about the unique benefits of your product.

Enclosed is our current rate card and sample issues. To purchase advertising space for the upcoming issue you must hurry because space is limited. Call toll-free: (800) 555-5555 to reserve advertising space today.


Letter #30:
Dear (Name)

Doe Business Magazine is the leader in home-based businesses like yours. Recent surveys show that home-based businesses are a multi-billion dollar industry–and growing! The best way to stay informed is through Doe Business Magazine.

Every month, 375,000 home business owners read our magazine. We regularly discuss important issues such as:

*(List prominent articles and topics)

Doe Business Magazine informs readers on how to keep overhead low, maximize sales through the Internet, how and why to use mail order, employee leasing, outsourcing, and more!

Please fill out the enclosed subscription card. If you act by (date), you will qualify for half off the cover price. Subscribe today. You won’t want to miss a single issue!


Letter #31:
Dear John:

Want to understand the secrets of successful entrepreneurs?

“Doe Business Magazine” gives YOU the inside scoop, everything you need to know about beginning and managing your own business.

If you had been a subscriber during the last year, you would have read articles about:

(Name 3-5 intriguing topics)

By subscribing to Doe Business Magazine you’ll learn the secrets of starting a successful business. Each edition has great ideas for new and old businesses, plus discussions with successful entrepreneurs who share their formulas for success.

We would like to send you a FREE issue of Doe Business Magazine. Return the enclosed card with either your three-month trial subscription ($5) or your one-year subscription ($15) and the first issue is yours FREE! Our guarantee–if you are not completely delighted with this publication, just write “cancel” on the invoice. But the free issue is yours to keep.

Send in the card today. Your free copy of Doe Business Magazine will arrive shortly. We are certain that once you’ve read the FREE issue, you’ll not want to miss one edition.


P.S. Isn’t it time you took control of your future?

Letter #32:
Good evening. My name is (name), and I am calling about your subscription to Doe Gardening Magazine.

You may know that your subscription is coming up for renewal next month and we want to make sure you have enjoyed it.

Has Doe Gardening arrived by the 5th of each month?

What kinds of gardening articles interest you most?

May I enter your subscription renewal at this time?

(If the response is “no,” ask):

May I ask why not?

CLOSE: I want to thank you for taking a few moments of your time.

(If the response is “yes,” say):

Great! Your subscription will continue coming to you without interruption and we will bill you at a later. Thanks for your helpful comments and subscription renewal.

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