معتاد به انگلیسی

معتاد به انگلیسی



Addicted; to like something so much that you need it every day.



1) I’m really hooked on the hamburgers at Junior’s.

2) I really like Holly, my new girlfriend. After just two dates, I’m hooked!

3) she is hooked on classical music. او دیوانه/شیفته موسیقی کلاسیک است

4) I got hooked on TV when I was sick. من تو این مدتی که بیمار بودم به تلویزیون معتاد شدم.


Etymology( ریشه شناسی لغت):

A ‘hook’ is a curved(منحنی) piece of metal used to catch something, like a fish hook(قلاب ماهیگیری). If you are ‘hooked’ on something, it has caught you and won’t let go. This term was originally (در ابتدا) used by drug addicts (معتاد ها) to describe the feeling of needing drugs(تزریق مواد مخدر), and now it used to describe anything that is so good that you want it every day.

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