نامه ارسال یک کالا

نامه ارسال یک کالا

متن درباره نامه ارسال یک کالا.ارسال یک کالا از کالایی که مشتری خریداری کرده است

Transmit a shipment of merchandise that a customer has purchased

Letter #1:
Thank you for your order of three silk flower wreaths from Doe’s Blooming Business. The wreaths should arrive within three days of your receiving this confirmation. You will find two wreaths with mauve hues and the third with copper tones, just as you specified. On the copper wreath, I took the liberty of replacing the background rhododendron with a variegated fern since the fern colors complemented the wreath much better.

If you are unsatisfied, alert me and I’ll send you another one immediately. The total bill for all three wreaths is $567.98. Payment in full is due within 30 days. Thank you for your patronage. I sincerely hope you are satisfied with the products. If you are interested in swags with colors that complement your wreaths, I would be delighted to fill your order.

Letter #2:
Thank you for your recent order. We are sending the three Mark Twain books you ordered by first class mail. They should arrive by next Friday. We regret that we are unable to provide you with the hardback editions; they will be out of stock for approximately three months. If the paperback editions are not acceptable, return them without payment. If they are acceptable, please remit $18.95 to the above address.

Once again, thank you for your order.

Letter #3:
Thank you for your recent order of CD’s. We will ship direct to you within 48 hours of the date on this letter. Ten of the 11 CD’s you requested are in stock. “Crazy Cajuns” is on back order and will be sent to you in about two weeks. Please remit $124.98 by check or money order payable to DUCK SOUP RECORDS. We will bill you separately for “Crazy Cajuns.” Thanks again for doing business with us. I’ve enclosed our most recent catalogue for your reading pleasure.

سیستم های تلفن

ارسال یک گزارش پیشرفت

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