نامه انتقال تجهیزات

نامه انتقال تجهیزات

متن درباره نامه انتقال تجهیزات.انتقال تجهیزات یا لوازم مورد نیاز یک کارمند شرکتی

Transmit equipment or supplies that a company employee has requested

Letter #1:
As you have requested, the shipping department is sending you thirty additional copies of the Doe Employee Handbook and training materials. It takes John approximately three days to compile the shipment and four days to deliver it. In addition to the paperback manual, the training materials should include three overheads, a video, several photocopied handouts and a tape cassette.

I did not include a VHS or tape recorder because I am sure the general manager of your division has that equipment. If you find you need additional supplies, please notify me and I will send them before the training session.

Letter #2:
Per your request, I am sending six reams of copier paper. This paper is twenty pound bond and is the highest grade of copier paper available in the city. I have also included samples of other paper colors that are available in the same weight. If you are interested in the other colors or if there is a problem with this paper, please call me.

Letter #3:
Enclosed are the order forms, advertising material, and business cards you requested. The recruiting posters you asked for are being revised to comply with new government regulations. They should be ready to ship by next Friday. If there is anything I can do in the meantime, please let me know.

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