نامه انتقال قرارداد

نامه انتقال قرارداد

متن درباره نامه انتقال قرارداد. مخابره کردن پیمان.رساندن مقاطعه

Transmit a contract

Letter #1:
Please find enclosed a purchase agreement for the sale of your home. Although it is a standard real estate contract, we should both demonstrate that we understand the terms by initialing each line. I have already initialed each line so your initials need to be added. Also, please sign on the signature line at the bottom to acknowledge your acceptance of the contract terms. Thank you for your cooperation. As you know, the tentative closing date is four weeks away so I’ll need the contract back immediately.

Letter #2:
Enclosed is the first draft of the proposed contract between Doe Corporation and Jane Doe. Please review the entire contract for compliance with state law and make any necessary changes directly to the draft copy. Please return the draft to me by March 19. Thank you for your help.

Letter #3:
Attached is the second draft of the Jamestown contract with my comments in red. Most of my comments are simple matters of taste; however, paragraphs B(1) and D(2) (A) still have serious problems. Please see if you can address my concerns.

I would like to have the contract executed by Friday, March 29, 2002. It might be helpful to FAX further revisions. Thanks for your help on this.

پل کین، هنرمند مرزی

ارسال پیشنهاد یا نقل قول

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