نامه انگلیسی خانه

متن درباره نامه انگلیسی خانه. وطن. میهن


Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Recently you requested information on the Doe Home Gym and we were pleased to forward you our literature.

We have not heard from you and thought we might answer some frequently asked questions about this remarkable equipment.

What is the (name of feature)?


What do I gain from this feature?

You benefit in two major ways. (List benefits).

How safe is the system?


We hope these questions and answers have been helpful. If you have additional questions, please call our toll-free number, and our professional staff will be delighted to assist you.


نامه انگلیسی خانه

Letter #2:
Dear (name):

Time is running out!

Recently, you expressed interest in our Doe Electronic Fitness Belt and I offered you a super-low price.

If you remember, the manufacturer offers this promotion only once a year. By August 20, the same Fitness Belt will cost you over 40% more. But it’s not too late if you act now.

You can still reserve your Doe Electronic Fitness Belt at the sale price by calling me or visiting our showroom.

You know from the demonstration that the Doe Electronic Fitness Belt is today’s fastest way to firm, tighten, and tone abs, arms, shoulders, and legs. And, because of the special price, it’s also ultra affordable.

Remember, the price goes up August 20, so order today.


P.S. When you call, please ask me about our extended payment plan. It lets you own the Doe Electronic Fitness Belt for just $5.00 per month.

خانه های قدیمی

Letter #3:
“The Power of Resistance Training Video”

Dear Friend,

Are you ready for a strength course that is quick and powerful?

I can tell you right now, “The Power of Resistance Training Video” is going to blow your socks off and make your eyes pop out. We have designed more than 30 different resistance training exercises. The video shows each exercise in action with step-by-step guidelines to follow.

And if you have never believed in the power of resistance exercises before, drop your knife and fork, put your protein shake down, and take a look at what the first customers had to say about this course:

(List several testimonials)

This video is now available, so call 555-5555 right NOW. Only $59 plus $5.95 S&H.

P.S. There is nothing like this video on the market today. Order now.

خانه رویایی

Letter #4:
Dear (name),

Do you feel sluggish? Tired by mid-afternoon?

If you can invest 20 minutes a day, you can get back the vitality of your youth.


With a Doe Home Gym.

The space-saving exercise equipment can do everything for you that a professional gymnasium can. You work every part of your body, strengthening muscles, reducing fat, increasing blood flow. With regular workouts you’ll be amazed at how much better you will feel and look!

The Doe Home Gym contains:

(List contents)

Plus, if you act by (date), you will receive FREE the Doe Exercise Video System–4 video cassettes to follow as you exercise–a $100 value. You’ll never have to guess how long to exercise or what to do.

The Doe Home Gym sells for only $299, which you can pay in installments of only $49 per month-less than the cost of a gymnasium membership. Save time and money, and exercise in the privacy of your own home.

Try it for 60 days. You get a full refund if you’re not completely delighted.

(Order information)


جملات زبان انگلیسی در مورد خانه و آپارتمان. صحبت کردن درباره خانه.همه چیز درباره خانه های هوشمند

Letter #5:
Dear Friend,

Did you ever wish you could push a button and feel peace? Wouldn’t that be wonderful for when you are stuck in traffic or simply feeling overwhelmed?

The “Finding Inner Peace” audio tape by John Doe can do just that. In this tape John expresses fundamental truths about life and relationships that will resonate within you.

John discusses

* (list prominent topics)

John Doe has inspired thousands with his many stories. “Finding Inner Peace” includes many of John’s favorite stories, while focusing on the essential qualities of a centered life and living in the “now.”

(List testimonials)

“Finding Inner Peace” is 60 minutes in length. It is an inspiring tape to listen to on your way to work or when you’re out jogging.

We invite you to order “Finding Inner Peace” today. It is your opportunity to take positive action to change your life. Its price is only $9.95 plus $3.50 shipping. If for any reason you are not satisfied you may return it for a full refund.

If you order today, we will include a complimentary calendar. This calendar contains quotes from John.

We look forward to hearing from you now.


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