نامه انگلیسی درباره تغذیه

متن درباره نامه انگلیسی درباره تغذیه. تقویت. قوت گیری


Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Recently, I began using Doe Vitamin’s remarkable products. I not only felt better, but people have commented that I look better. I have always been an avid believer in good health care and nutrition, so it was quite natural for me to fall head over heels in love with the Doe Vitamin’s products, and to become one of their enthusiastic distributors.

And Doe Vitamin is not only synonymous with fabulous nutritional and personal care products. It also has a fantastic weight management system. I’ve personally lost (#) pounds in the last month.

My job is to make it easier for you to learn all about the Doe Vitamin family of products. I have included a brochure and order form with this letter. Or you can call me at 555-5555.

Here is wishing you good health!

نکاتی مهم درباره تغذیه که حتما باید بدانید

Letter #2:
Dear (name),

Thank you for your purchases of our health publications. Here is a new title that we have been anticipating for a very long time: “Vitamins: What You Should Know.” Dr. John Doe gives no-nonsense advice, backed up by 15 years of research, in this groundbreaking book.

Don’t wander through the long aisles of health books looking for answers. “Vitamins: What You Should Know” is the most complete compendium with the most up-to-date information. Here are a few examples:

*(list prominent features)

Just listen to what people are saying:

*(list testimonials)

Dr. Doe’s advice can help you stay well, save money, and avoid some of the common myths associated with vitamins. An absolute must for every home health library.

For more information, e-mail (e-mail address), or phone 555-5555.

دانستنی‌هایی درباره تغذیه سالم

Letter #3:
Dear (Name):

Only a small percentage of information about the dangers of pesticides and other chemicals in your foods is released. Do you have cause to worry? Yes. Government studies reveal:

*(list key points of the problem)

Doe Natural Foods offers a delicious and wholesome alternative. Check out our enclosed catalog for a full list of organic foods grown in the most controlled environments. For example:

*(list prominent foods)

For (#) years, we have delivered wholesome foods to thousands of homes in (city). Isn’t it time we added you to our clientele?

Call us today at 555-5555. Our hours are: (list).


P.S. First-time customers receive 10% discount on their initial order.

نامه انگلیسی درباره تغذیه

متن درباره تغذیه سالم

Letter #4:
Dear (Name):

Did you know that only one in five Americans gets the vitamins and minerals they need each day? What happens when a body is deprived?

*(list problems)

That’s why Doe Laboratories developed Doe Supplements–a powerful compound to boost vitamin and mineral levels for optimum health.

Why are Doe Supplements so powerful?

*(List key features)

Doe Supplements aren’t sold in stores. Send in the enclosed order form today.


P.S. If you order by (date), we’ll send you a second bottle FREE!

پرسش و پاسخ درباره تغذیه

Letter #5:
Dear Friend:

Millions of people suffer from a weakened immune system, the body’s main defense against cancer, viral, bacterial and fungal infections. We live a fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle. The immune system is under constant assault from noxious elements in the environment. You have probably read about the benefits of antioxidants and other essential nutrients, but how do you make sense of all the hype? Which nutrients are really important and how much should you take? Who can you turn to with so many choices?

Doe Health, Inc. (DHI) is proud to make available to you a very special and unique dietary supplement, Dr. Doe’s Complete Vitamin Complex. This remarkable product combines:

*(list prominent features)

Formulated by Dr. Doe, this special formula is perfectly balanced with nutrients that are known to bolster your body’s natural defense system.

Dr. Doe’s Complete Vitamin Complex is not a single ingredient wonder or a passing fad. (Description of length of development time, how it is manufactured, its patents, how the body assimilates the ingredients). Enthusiastic supporters from all over the world are thanking Dr. Doe for transforming their health while reducing the guess work in their supplement program.

The mission of DHI is to (describe).

We back our products with an unconditional satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied, just return the unused portion for a prompt refund. Take advantage of this special no-risk offer. Place your order today. You will be glad that you did!

Yours in Good Health,

تحقیق در مورد تغذیه سالم.غذا و تغذیه.چگونه می توانیم تغذیه سالمی داشته باشیم؟

Letter #6:
From the Desk of…

Dr. John Doe


Having worked in the area of senior health care for 30 years, I feel that it’s my responsibility to get DOE VITAMINS in the hands of every man and woman who needs it.

For much of my professional career, I’ve worked to make Doe Vitamins EFFECTIVE and AVAILABLE for people just like you–people who WANT TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. People who REFUSE to GIVE INTO AGING.

I’ve seen how Doe Vitamins can help chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, arthritis, headaches, muscle pain, aching, joints, memory loss, breathing problems and low stamina. I know Doe Vitamins can benefit ANYONE and give a SURGE of YOUTHFUL ENERGY like nothing else.

And I know this all firsthand. TODAY I HAVE THE ENERGY OF SOMEONE 20 YEARS MY JUNIOR–thanks to Doe Vitamins!

Just imagine what it would be like to have more energy–the energy of someone TWENTY YEARS YOUNGER. Imagine feeling as healthy and energetic at age 85 as many people do when they’re 30 or 40!


Not only do you get the best vitamin formula found anywhere, but you also receive my 90-day guarantee…Simply send the unused supply back to me at any time in the next 90 days and I will send you a full refund of your product price. What are you waiting for?


P.S. This could be your chance to look years younger!

حقایقی درباره تغذیه

Letter #7:
Dear (name):

The vitamins you took at age 50 are not what your body needs during the golden years.

Doe Senior Vitamins is specially formulated for a senior’s needs. Years of research by some of the most brilliant minds in the industry have produced an unsurpassed supplement. Doe Senior Vitamins have been shown to improve:

*(list benefits)

Staying healthy and energetic–that’s the goal of Doe Senior Vitamins.

You cannot buy Doe Senior Vitamins in stores. We deliver them right to your door. Order now and receive a second bottle for 50% off the regular price. Call 555-5555.

Here’s to your health!


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