نامه انگلیسی درباره جانبازان

متن درباره نامه انگلیسی درباره جانبازان


آخرین اخبار درباره جانبازان.

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

When we began sending out these free desk sets, people called us crazy!

We mailed these beautiful desk sets absolutely FREE to good, caring people like you.

“You can’t do it–the Doe Veterans Fund will go broke!” many doubters told us. “People will love the desk sets, but you’ll never hear from them again.”

But it hasn’t turned out that way. On the contrary, thousands of people like you have chosen to help our nation’s veterans–many terribly disabled. Every one of these brave veterans responded when called by their country. Many suffer terribly as a result of serving their country. I think you’ll agree, we owe them something.

The Doe Veterans Fund is one of the nation’s leading veterans’ organizations.

Mr. (name), we’re not asking for a handout–just a helping hand.

We have sent you this desk set under no obligation whatsoever. Your desk set is a gift from our nation’s veterans, and we hope it will warm your heart.

But if you can manage to send a small donation, you would be helping to ensure our continued support for disabled veterans.

Your donation is tax-deductible and will help us fight for disabled veterans. The Doe Veterans Fund works to ensure they get training for meaningful jobs to support their families and live with dignity.

And we do it all without one cent of government funding. The Doe Veterans Fund relies on people like you–patriotic, caring Americans–because the need is greater than ever.

My friend, I’m asking you today to help us fight for our nation’s veterans. Please do your part so that not one of our courageous veterans faces despair. Whatever you can afford to send will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for giving hope to America’s veterans.


P. S. We’re proud of our work on behalf of America’s veterans. I hope you can manage to send a contribution to help deserving veterans today. The Doe Veterans Fund truly makes a difference in the lives of our disabled veterans. But we need your help to continue. Thank you.

نامه انگلیسی درباره جانبازان

بنیاد جانبازان

Letter #2:
Dear Donors,

My name is John. I’m an Army Vet from over 40 years back, and during that time I’ve spent more time IN the hospital than OUT!!! I have a severe case of chronic pulmonary disease and I’m on oxygen most of the time.

Sometimes it’s so hard to breathe, I panic and wonder “is this the day I check out?” The doctors try to help by prescribing strong medicines to keep me calm; but it’s like living my life as a Zombie and I can’t stand that either.

Then . . . I discovered the wonderful calming effect of Doe Crafts. Just like magic, I can pick up a string of beads kit and begin creating a beautiful necklace, and I quit shaking and my breathing gets slower and easier.

It’s truly a miracle…

I don’t know how to begin to thank you all for these wonderful Doe Crafts. I wish I could reach out and hug each one of you personally. Many nights, I’ve woken up gasping for air and panicking–but, I just reach for the beads kit and soon I’m fine.

I’ve often wondered if the donors of these craft kits have any idea how valuable these kits are. I hope my letter gives you a little insight, because there just aren’t enough words to explain how much the kits mean to me.

“Thank you” seems so inadequate, but I don’t know what else to say–so THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful generosity and kindness!!!

I know other vets can also benefit from your generosity. Any amount will help. Please, won’t you send a donation for more craft kits in the enclosed envelope?


John Doe

Army Veteran

اخبار استخدام جانبازان و ایثارگران.

Letter #3:

Are the sacrifices our disabled veterans made worth two pennies a day to you?

That’s all I’m asking of you–set aside 2 cents a day for one year. That’s only $7.30.

It’s a painless way to repay our disabled veterans for the pain they’ve suffered for us. Some still never know a day without it. Disabled veterans gave up a normal life for one with difficult handicaps … from missing arms or legs to blindness or paralysis.

In wartime, they said “Yes!” when their country asked them to fight. And they ended up paying a terrible price for their patriotism–and our freedom.

We count on Americans who say, “Yes!” today … those who won’t let our fallen warriors be forgotten … people who want them to at least have a decent life and some measure of dignity. Are you one of those caring Americans?

For over 75-years, Doe Veteran Fund has been “fighting their battles” for our disabled veterans. Because they can’t do it any more.

(List where contributions go.)

And we can do all that because good people like you are willing to chip in their 2 cents worth now and then.

So I’m asking you to please put aside two pennies a day for a year–only $7.30. Will you send a check for $7.30 now?

Your gift keeps Doe Veteran Fund going, fighting the battles of those deserving veterans who can’t fight for themselves any more.

So, please make the small sacrifice of “your 2 cents worth” ($7.30).


جانبازان چه کسانی هستند؟آخرین اخبار درباره جانبازان.

Letter #4:

If it weren’t for you, friend of the DOE FUND,

… keeping track of the days on a calendar like this would be a lot emptier for some of our disabled veterans.

Because you donate to DOE, you make some mighty good things happen for them.

… You make it possible for them to receive all the benefits they earned–the hard way. (The “red tape” can be tough to cope with, but DOE shows them the way)

… Your generosity means helps us battle legislation aimed at cutting those benefits. If not DOE, who else would do it?

… Your gifts provide rides to VA hospitals nationwide via our Transportation Network. You bring sick and disabled vets to the care they need … vets who otherwise would have no way to get it.

… You reach out to disabled veterans hit by natural disasters… sending a helping hand to lives touched by floods, tornadoes, hurricanes.

You’re there for them when they need you.

I’ve enclosed a special edition of our calendar. Please accept this gift as a small way of our saying, “Thanks for being there.”

Our annual Calendar Campaign is one way we can keep our fund healthy, so we can reach out to all our fellow disabled veterans. In your state of (name), alone, there are (number) disabled vets.

I’d hate to see funds for their help cut back. So I’m coming to you once again to ask you to “show your colors.” Will you give the very best gift you can?

We’re facing a deadline this year. If you could send a check by September 30, it would mean a lot to us.

I hope this calendar will note many special events and happy occasions for you and yours… just as you’ve provided so many good memories for our disabled veterans. Use it with pride. It marks you as somebody special.

With thanks from every disabled vet.

John Doe

Campaign Chairman

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