نامه انگلیسی درباره پزشکی

متن درباره نامه انگلیسی درباره پزشکی. طبی. دارویی. درمانی


Letter #1:
Dear (name),

Congratulations on your appointment as the new board chairman of Doe Foundation. Your longtime commitment to our community is unparalleled.

I know that one of the Foundation’s goals this year is to raise money for transplant patients. I’d like to put my company’s 15 years of experience in renovating old cars to work for you on this project. As you receive old, donated cars, consider allowing me to partner with you to fix them up and increase their value.

I’ll give you a call next week to see if you would like to pursue this idea. I hope we can work together on it.


نامه انگلیسی درباره پزشکی

Letter #2:
Dear (name),

Did you know someone dies every (#) minutes from AIDS? In fact, statistically, someone you know personally will die within the next (#) years from AIDS. You can help fight this disease… with a donation to the Doe AIDS Fund.

By giving to the Doe AIDS Fund, you are helping the research and treatment of this dreaded disease. The Doe AIDS Fund was established in (year) with that goal in mind. And we have made enormous progress. Today, you donation will help:

*(list current projects)

Your gift makes a difference. Please help the Doe AIDS Fund continue the fight against this killer.

We appreciate your help.


اخبار پزشکی و سلامت

Letter #3:
Dear (name),

The Kidney Foundation of Dallas wishes to invite your company to support our annual Kidney Disease Walkathon. The Dallas Kidney Foundation was founded in (year) to draw awareness to the devastating effects of renal disease. Over the years, the Foundation’s impact in the community has been strengthened through programs with organizations such as yours and the (list supporting organizations).

Our annual Kidney Disease Walkathon has been an ongoing success since (year), and we have raised over ($), which we have used to fund such programs as:

*(list programs)

Our goal this year is to raise ($).

As a Kidney Disease Walkathon corporate sponsor, your name and logo will be prominently featured on all promotional material. In return, we would ask you to contribute $5,000, and to supply us with volunteers for the day of the Walkathon. We look forward to your company’s support of this important event.

Please feel free to call me with any questions: 555-5555.


معرفی رشته پزشکی

Letter #4:

Dear Friend,

Want to stop paying full price for name-brand software?

Save from 50 to 75%

We are your Internet Low Price Software Dealer…

Check Out Our Specials!

* (List special offers. Regular price, discount price, savings)

ORDER Today! 555-5555

Our Prices are unbeatable. Try us today!


آخرین اخبار پزشکی | درمان | سلامت

Letter #5:
Dear Friend,

We miss you! We haven’t heard from you since you sent us your last gift in 1997. Your past support, in fact, helped save the life of a Doe Children Hospital child, like Jeremy.

But you and I both know one life is not enough. We need your ongoing support to continue the vital research into the diseases that are killing innocent children. Our research must continue!

That’s why we’re asking you to give another generous gift to Doe Children Hospital. Please send your gift today.

Thank you for caring,

P.S. May your own family never experience the tragedy of losing a child to an incurable disease. At Doe Children Hospital, we’re fighting to save lives, and one day someone dear to you may be spared because we succeeded.

مزایای شغل پزشکی

Letter #6:
No strings except…

Dear Friend,

Your beautiful new calendar really is FREE, no strings attached … except heartstrings.

At Doe Kidney Fund, we cannot save lives without your support.

Could you possibly make up for just one person who chooses not to help? You can do that by adding $10 or even $15 to whatever gift you were already going to send today.

Thanks for considering my request–even though your calendar comes with no strings attached, except heartstrings.

رشته های پزشکی

Letter #7:
Dear Jane Doe,

If you could save someone from dying of lung cancer, would you? Of course you would! You can help… with a donation to the Doe Cancer Fund.

By giving to the Doe Cancer Fund, you are helping to prevent and manage lung cancer, emphysema, asthma, and other lung diseases.

You may know about lung cancer and the suffering it brings, but did you know that asthma can be life threatening? Did you know that nearly 3 million Americans suffer from emphysema?

The Doe Cancer Fund tradition began over 50 years ago to conquer tuberculosis. Today we are fighting new battles. Your donation helps in many ways:

$15 can help fund critical research that may lead to cures for lung cancer and emphysema

can help support the Clean Air For Schools asthma program

can teach children to cope with their chronic breathing problems

$5 can help teach children the dangers of smoking

Your gift, in any amount, will make a difference … maybe even a life or death difference for someone you love.

Since (date), the Doe Cancer Fund has provided funds for successful lung disease research and programs that have touched the lives of millions of people. Please help the Doe Cancer Fund continue that tradition.

Thanks for your help.

P.S. Please send your contribution today! Show others you care by using the enclosed Cancer Fund gift tags, name stickers, and pocket calendar.

When You Can’t Breathe, Nothing Else Matters.

مقاله پزشکی

Letter #8:
Dear (name),

Thank you for your past support of Doe Kidney Fund. Your special gift to the (current year) Annual Fund Drive is one of the most important ways you can fight kidney disease…and help save lives. Please give what you can today.

[ ] $5

[ ] $10

[ ] $15

[ ] $

Our critical (current year) Annual Fund Drive to beat kidney disease comes but once a year…and that time is now.

Your gift is urgently needed today to make sure we can help those who have this dreaded disease…expand awareness, establish early detection programs…and continue to search for better treatments and cures!

Please remember: Kidney disease can strike any of us. In the coming year, (number) will contract this disease here in (name of your state). But thanks to help from friends like you, we can win this fight.

And, your donations are working! The survival rate for kidney disease has increased to (give percentage)! And your gift today will help make these lifesaving statistics even better! Please help us save more lives by sending your gift to the (current year) Annual Fund today! Thank you.

P.S. Your gift is tax-deductible as a charitable donation.

تحقیق درباره پزشکی

Letter #9:
Dear Doe Reports Subscriber,

A raffle? For Doe Reports?

Yes, and there are two good reasons for a raffle. It’s a practical and cost-efficient fund raising method, and it gives you a chance to win a valuable prize, while supporting an organization you believe in.

Just imagine what you could do with $25,000 cash!

Whether your dream is practical or romantic, it can come true if you’re selected as the Grand Prize Winner in the new Doe Reports Raffle. Of course, only one person will take home the $25,000 Grand Prize–but you’ll be in the running for more than $86,000 in cash and prizes!

Just think–the first prize winner will take away $10,000. The second prize winner will get a check for $5,000. Each of 10 third prize winners will receive $1,000. There are 25 fourth prizes of $250 each, and 1,000 fifth prizes–the newly revised guidebook to your personal financial planning, “The Doe Reports Book of Finance,” a $29.95 value.

Remember, all prizes are guaranteed to be awarded, but you must enter to win!

Why does Doe Reports need your help? It’s simple. Research is very expensive. This year we will spend over $12,000,000 on the research programs to keep our subscribers informed. Now, we look for help only from those we help–our subscribers. The Raffle proceeds we receive from you go directly into the research that keeps you informed.

This is our promise to you.

Think of the times that Doe Reports have saved you money, alerted you to a safety threat, or cut through the half-truths and propaganda on critical health and financial issues.

Won’t you please help us now by including a tax-deductible donation with your Raffle ticket stubs? You’re not obligated to contribute, but we’ll be deeply grateful if you do. (Your chance of winning is small, of course, but your opportunity to help is great.)

Please return your Raffle ticket stubs, and a generous contribution, today. Thank you.


John Doe

Director, Fundraising

P.S. No contribution or purchase necessary to enter. A contribution or purchase does not improve one’s chances of winning.

موضوعات پیشنهادی پايان نامه رشته پزشكي عمومي. متن سوگند نامه پزشکی. پزشکی و سلامت.

Letter #10:
I am requesting your urgent help on behalf of innocent children like Jane Doe who have cancer.

More than 3,000 kids are now being treated by The Doe Children’s Research Hospital. Thousands more will develop cancer this year. We never turn away a child due to inability to pay.

We need money to save the lives of these kids and to find more effective ways to cure childhood cancer. Please help us–today if possible–by sending your contribution.

For the children,

John Doe

P.S. I hope your family never suffers the tragedy of losing a child to an incurable disease. At Doe Children’s Research Hospital, we’re fighting to conquer these killers. Someone you know may live because we succeed.

نامه انگلیسی درباره بی خانمان

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