نامه برنامه ریزی / سرمایه گذاری

متن درباره نامه برنامه ریزی / سرمایه گذاری. طرح ریزی. نهادن. خریدن

Planning / Investing

Letter #1:
Dear (name),

We have just released our exciting new breakthrough book, “Financial Survival in an Uncertain World.” This exclusive book reveals such things as ways to cope during a job loss.

You’ll learn:

*(list prominent features of the book)

And, if you order now, you’ll receive a FREE Gift–the “Doe Home Inventory Guide,” a $15 value.

Discover the power that you’ll get when you learn the secrets of surviving a job loss in uncertain financial times. “Financial Survival in an Uncertain World” is available for only $16.95. If you act today, you’ll receive a free copy of “Doe Home Inventory Guide.” But you must order by (date) to receive this free gift.

Act now before this limited offer expires!


نامه برنامه ریزی / سرمایه گذاری

برگشت سرمایه در برنامه‌ریزی توسعه

Letter #2:
Dear (name),

Should you or shouldn’t you?

…a question that nags many small business owners is should I start a profit-sharing plan for my employees?

Maybe you’ve heard horror stories from companies that tried one, and how they suffered through CPAs and lawyers.

Good news! As specialists in pension and profit-sharing plans, Doe Financial Planners handles everything on a flat-fee basis. No surprises. You free yourself from the headaches once and for all, and provide a great service to your deserving employees.

Doe Financial Planners does it all–the tax reporting, benefit statements, etc. And you maintain total investment flexibility.

For details call us today at 555-5555.


برنامه‌ريزي استراتژيك منابع انساني

Letter #3:
Dear (name):

Let me introduce you to a FREE service that can help your company immediately.

Would you believe that in a metropolitan area the size of (City), the number of CPAs is over 1,000? Which one is right for your specific needs?

Doe’s CPA Registry is a service you should not be without. Simply call us, and we will fax you the resumes of CPAs who specialize in your particular industry. Included, you’ll also receive information on their education, expertise, experience, fees, and credit terms.

And it’s all FREE!

Call us at 555-5555. We’re eager to help.


ضرورت سرمایه گذاری بخش خصوصی

Letter #4:
Get our FREE booklet on investing in municipal bonds.

Dear Investor:

If you return the enclosed postpaid card, we will rush you our new booklet called, “How to Invest and Save on Taxes with Municipal Bonds.”

Detailing the pros and cons, this booklet outlines the advantages of municipal bonds in today’s market. Keep the booklet with the compliments of Doe Investment.


Letter #5:
Dear Educator:

Retirement seems so far away and is something we seldom think about.

For teachers, it comes down to these choices:

*(List choices)

Which is best for you? The decision you make today will affect your lifestyle later.

I’d like to arrange to visit with you next week for just one hour. I’ll explain why Doe Funds is the choice for many educators. There is no obligation to you whatsoever. But our visit will give you a good opportunity to compare all the options. Isn’t that the sensible thing to do?

Retirement for all of us arrives far sooner than we can imagine. I’ll call for an appointment within the next several days.


بسته برنامه‌ریزی سرمایه‌گذاری، اشتغال و تولید

Letter #6:

Dear (name),

Welcome to your new home…and congratulations! May you have many happy years in our community.

You may not be aware that one of the advantages of your move is that you are now in an area serviced by Doe Investments.

Doe Investments is able to handle all of your investment needs. We are especially proud of our reputation for personal service, objective advice and sound research.

If you are considering investing for the first time, we’ll be glad to work with you on setting up a program suited to your individual needs–whether they are appreciation, income, or safety of principal. Doe Investments offers services and products for all of these objectives, including:

*(list prominent services)

Please call me at 555-5555 to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs. Or, if you find it more convenient, complete the enclosed card and return it to me. I will be happy to work with you, without obligation.


بهترین استراتژی های سرمایه گذاری

Letter #7:
Dear (name),

Just today I saw the enclosed article in my mail and immediately remembered the discussion we had recently. The notice mentions the state of the economy and why mutual funds are so important to financial planning.

As you know, Doe Financial has been championing mutual funds when other companies sent their clients off on dangerous stock journeys. Our ongoing efforts assure our clients the kind of steady growth they can count on.

Please take a few moments to look over the enclosed article. In a couple of days, I will telephone you to follow-up. I look forward to meeting with you again to discuss your financial planning. Thank you.


امور برنامه ریزی و سرمایه گذاری

Letter #8:
Dear Mr. (Name):

Retirement–a distant idea? Maybe not as far away as you think. Now is the best time to plan. Let Doe Financial Planning chart a course for your golden years.

We’ll develop a sound financial plan to place your savings in safe, productive options. We’ll show you how to:

*(list prominent features)

As you work to create savings, we will work to protect and plan your future. Call today for a free consultation. At Doe Financial Planning we look forward to serving you now, so your retirement years will be filled with happiness and security. You deserve it.


P.S. While you still have time to plan, you still have time to save.

برنامه ریزی برای رفع موانع سرمایه گذاری

Letter #9:
Dear (Name),

Would you go to a plumber for a sore throat? Of course not, and you wouldn’t want to trust your financial future to a novice. When choosing an investment firm, there are important issues to consider.

*(list questions and answers)

If you want a full-service investment company that provides detailed research reports, expert recommendations, and professionals develop in-depth strategies, you need to contact Doe Investment Company.

Please review the enclosed information packet that details our services. I will contact you next week to answer any questions. I am confident that after you have reviewed our services you will agree that Doe Investment Company is right for you.


Letter #10:
Before you dive into the investment market, you should be aware of several things:

*(list basic mistakes that investors make)

Doe Financial would like to help you build a strong financial foundation for your future. Please return the enclosed card for our free guide on wise investing. Then, let us make an appointment for a free financial consultation–no obligation. We look forward to hearing from you.


P.S. You can start building your investment portfolio with as little as $100!

برنامه ریزی مالی شرکت

Letter #11:
Our all-time best seller:

(includes the new tax laws)

Doe’s Book of Financial Pitfalls

Dear Reader:

Doe’s Book of Financial Pitfalls provides our latest tips on how to save money, organize your finances, and avoid costly financial and legal mistakes. You can get this updated and indispensable book postage-paid at the low price of just $8.00 ($12 list price). At this price you may want copies for friends and family members, as well as for yourself. It belongs in every home library.

Millions of people have benefited from this practical discussion of common financial and legal problems. For example, it tells you how marriage affects property, how to own real estate, how taxes will affect you, and what to include in a will (sample document included). It tells you about life, car, and fire insurance. These are subjects that everyone should know about. Sooner or later most of us will confront them.

Doe’s Book of Financial Pitfalls contains valuable information for surviving spouses. It is unfortunate that most couples never prepare for the financial consequences of a spouse’s death. This book spells out what a surviving spouse will need to know about funeral and estate procedures, how to release joint bank accounts, collect life insurance, file a will, and evaluate inheritance and estate taxes.

The book also discusses money-saving probate and trust arrangements, and enables you to plan the distribution of your estate to those you wish to support.

Please take a few moments to review the table of contents on the reverse of this page. Doe’s Book of Financial Pitfalls is written in clear, nontechnical language. If you are not fully satisfied, we will refund your money in full, no questions asked.


John Doe

Vice President

سرمایه گذاری در بورس

Letter #12:
Need help finding a scholarship or applying for financial aid?

Want to find a school with the degree programs and financial aid you need?

Would it be helpful to estimate the cost and financial aid available from one school compared to another?

The Doe Education Book:

(List Bullet points)

* Helps you understand the financial aid process.

* Describes the various types of aid available.

* Provides helpful tips on how, when, and where to apply.

* Gives you links to federal and state agencies governing education aid.

* Outlines degree programs, cost and financial aid information for over 10,000 educational institutions.

* Includes links to scholarship databases and private sector programs.

(Description of product)

This valuable tool gives you fingertip access to research information and saves you months of research time. It teaches you about financial aid, its sources and how to use them in reaching your educational goals.

Out of the 3 million new students who start college each year, only 48% actually graduate. The number one reason they drop out is lack of money. Don’t let this happen to you.

Invest In Your Future–Order The Doe Education Book TODAY!

Don’t Delay, The Key To Success Is To Plan Ahead!

معرفی فرآیند های حوزه برنامه ریزی و سرمایه گذاری

Letter #13:
You didn’t get this far in life without learning a thing or two. Like how taking a little extra care always pays off. But when it comes to your estate planning, how protected are you, really?

The truth is, a Will doesn’t prevent the often complex legal process known as “probate.”

Even when a Will exists, this process typically requires a lawyer to assemble your assets, settle with creditors, and transfer your savings and property to others. It can drag on for months, even years, and the court costs and attorney fees are sometimes billed directly to your estate. Which means your beneficiaries may receive a smaller percentage of your assets and face a legal ordeal at the worst possible time.

But with a properly funded Revocable Living Trust, you can avoid probate and protect your assets at the time of your passing.

A properly funded Revocable Living Trust allows your assets to be transferred directly to your chosen beneficiaries. It’s a legal right, and one that enables you to avoid probate for all the assets you hold in the trust. And, unlike a Will, a Revocable Living Trust maintains your privacy and keeps your personal affairs out of the public arena. What’s more, you may …

Retain full control of your assets

Prevent the potential frustration of the probate process

Protect your beneficiaries from unnecessary burdens, delays or fees

Let us show you how to make certain your estate remains secure!

To receive free, no-obligation information on estate planning and ways to establish a properly funded Revocable Living Trust, mail the attached postage-paid reply card today.


John Doe

Attorney at Law

انواع استراژی های سرمایه گذاری

Letter #14:
Dear Investor,

What do you know about these market leading investments?

If you invest in mutual funds or stocks, you may be missing out.

IT’S YOUR MONEY. Doesn’t it make sense to spot market winners like (list several) for your investments?

IT’S YOUR M0NEY. When you invest in mutual funds, stocks, IRAs or 401(k) plans, do you think it unwise to rely on professionals? Not when your life savings are on the line!

The fact is only about 2% of investors can name the market’s biggest winners. But in Doe Financial Magazine we published dozens of articles and news reports about these winners BEFORE they skyrocketed in price!

Now you can try Doe Financial Magazine risk free at no cost to you. Just mail in the enclosed FREE Two Month Subscription Reply Card. There are no strings attached. No invoices to cancel. No obligation to continue. Just a golden opportunity to sample this premium resource for investors.

Discover what Doe Financial Magazine can do for you. Try two full months at absolutely no cost or obligation. You simply can’t lose. Here’s some of the information you can expect:

* (list 3-5 prominent features)

We’re doing this because once you get to know us, you’ll want to keep Doe Financial Magazine coming–and wonder how you got along without it!

SEND NO MONEY. Just mail in the reply card today. It’s that easy.

Find out what you’ve been missing. Return the FREE Two Week Subscription Reply Card right now.


P. S. Return your reply card within 10 days and we’ll send you our Investor Information Kit.

برنامه ریزی برای پیشرفت و جذب سرمایه گذاری

Letter #15:

“How to Manage Your Money”

Dear Investor:

Ever get the feeling that your money is managing you, instead of you managing it?

Learn some simple steps for planning your financial future. Learn how your money can make you more money. And learn how to retain a bigger share of what you make. Making a plan and watching your money grow–that’s what this book is all about.

Order your complimentary copy of “How to Manage Your Money.” Just return the enclosed postage-paid card now, and this 120-page book is yours to keep.

This book will tell you all about

* (list 3-5 one-sentence bullet points)

Send for your free copy today!

We are anxious to hear from you.

P.S. Don’t ignore this free gift. It could cost you a bundle!

برنامه ریزی و توسعه سرمایه گذاری

Letter #16:
Dear Jane,

I want to personally thank you for opening an account with Doe Financial Management, Inc. and once again thank you for the trust that you have placed in us. I look forward to working with you in pursuing your financial goals.

I will continue to work with you in building a long-term professional relationship, and will strive to help you achieve competitive investment performance with personal caring service.

Again, thank you. I look forward to earning your trust everyday. Please feel free to contact me at any time, if you have any questions, or if I can be of assistance.


اصول سرمایه گذاری خارجی و افزایش سرمایه

Letter #17:
Dear John,

Your decision to request more information on Doe Financial Services was both smart and informed.

Improving your personal financial situation is what Doe Financial is all about.

I am enclosing some basic information. As you review it, you’ll see that Doe Financial Services provides a broad scope of services that will help you protect your assets now and build on them for the future.

I will contact you soon to discuss how Doe Financial Services can guarantee financial security for you and your family.

Yours truly,

چگونه برنامه‌ ریزی مالی داشته باشیم؟

Letter #18:
Dear John,

You don’t have to be a wealthy person to benefit from financial planning.

However, a Doe financial plan can help you become wealthy!

Don’t wait. Planning your financial future can be easier than you think. Even the hard things like college education and retirement can be effortlessly put into motion with Doe Financial.

It’s been said, “It’s not how much money you make, but how you convert it.” That’s financial planning in a nutshell. Simply put, we will sit down together, review your present assets, income and outgo. Then we will help you state your goals, and we will determine a course of action. It’s as easy as that!

You can be in control of your financial future. It will not control you.

I’ll call you soon to set up a short meeting–less than half an hour. We’ll go over some money-saving tips and you’ll be on your way to financial security.


P.S. The money-saving ideas I’ll share with you are worth their weight in gold!

برنامه‌ریزی مالی.مراحل صحیح برنامه ریزی جهت سرمایه گذاری

Letter #19:
Thank You for an Interview (No Sale Yet)

Dear (name),

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Tuesday. I’m sure we both better understand how Doe Money Management can help you.

Please consider the advantages we discussed. Doe’s professional service has a reputation for impressing our customers and keeping them loyal. And remember, with Doe Money Management, there are no up-front service fees.

I am constructing a proposal for you to consider with all the ideas we reviewed–and some new ones I’ve come up with.

I’ll contact you soon to arrange a time for presenting my proposal.


Letter #20:
Bankruptcy Bonanza!

“Make Big Money On Bankrupt Businesses”

160 Pages! ONLY $14.95!

*(list prominent features of the book)

This book is packed with information about making big money by buying assets from bankrupted businesses. This is your opportunity to make thousands of dollars each month with very little risk–and you can do it in your spare time.

Learn the ins and outs of auctions, bidding, and profit-making.

To learn more or to order, click on this link (link address).

Letter #21:
“How To Make $1 Million In Less Than Five Years”

Dear (name),

Our methods can help you turn modest profits into a million-dollar fortune in 5 years or less!

This easy-to-read course reveals ways to spot winning trades. We also share some valuable do’s and don’ts to improve your entries and exits. We show you how to avoid the common pitfalls that cause many traders to stumble. Some of these strategies have been around for years. Others are new and have never been revealed to the general public.

“How To Make $1 Million In Less Than Five Years” is fully guaranteed. Review it for 30 days. If you are not satisfied, simply return the course for a full refund. No questions. No hassles. It’s as simple as that.

The cost? Only $99.95–a discount of 25% off the regular price.

This special offer is strictly limited and it could end at any time. So if you want to learn how to build a $1 million fortune in the next five years, do yourself a favor and place your order today. Or, you can pick up the phone and call us: 555-5555.

Just imagine how great it will feel to finally achieve true financial independence and start enjoying some of the finer things in life you so richly deserve!

Keep in mind that other traders have paid fees of up to $18,000 to discover these incredible methods. So please don’t wait. This offer is extremely limited and may not be available again. For that reason, I urge you to order this breakthrough trading course today. I promise you’ll be glad you did!


P.S. Quantities Are Limited Order Today!

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