نامه حامی قوانین

متن درباره نامه حامی قوانین. طرفدار قانون.مدافع قانون

Advocate legislation

Letter #1:
I am writing in support of the Uniform Tax Bill. I am a small business owner supporting five full-time employees and my own family of six. I am also a member of the middle class, which bears the largest share of the tax burden, and I am not opposed to paying my fair share. I have carefully studied the Uniform Tax Bill and I believe it would equalize the burden. The argument that those with the highest incomes would not pay their fair share simply does not hold up with this legislation. I request that you use your considerable influence in support of this Bill. Many of us are generating support at the local level. Best wishes for success–for us all.

قوانین حامی درخت را اجرا کنیم

Letter #2:
As a member of the Life Underwriters Association, I have written you many times about issues that affect my business. Though you have not always voted the way I wanted, you have always responded to me. I ask you now to support the Doe Bill that is before Congress. This bill will increase the financial security of millions of Americans. It will do more to increase the savings rate in America than anything done in the last 50 years. Ultimately, the increased savings will lead to higher tax revenues in spite of what the opposition would have us believe. I appreciate your time and effort and strongly urge you to support this important legislation.

قوانین حامی اسرار تجاری الکترونیک

Letter #3:
I am writing as a private citizen and outdoorsperson to urge you to vote for the Doe Bill coming before Congress this fall. This bill will increase the scant enforcement of laws regulating timber sales on public land in the upland areas of our state. In addition, it makes the timber companies more accountable to the people for the damaging methods of harvest they employ in sensitive areas. I have seen illegal clearcuts, and I have seen slash burns destroy thousands of acres of wilderness, with no restitution made to the ultimate losers, the public. Big Timber may have the money now to fight this legislation, but with the support of forward-thinking public servants such as yourself, we can work toward balanced, long-term solutions to our land use issues.

نامه حامی قوانین

شرایط و قوانین.قوانین و مقررات.قوانین حامی كارآفرینی.قوانین جهانی.حامی جو

Letter #4:
I am writing to express my strong support for the proposed Senate bill which would give a tax break to students who are pursuing postsecondary school training. As a small business owner I know how important education is to prepare young people for the rapidly changing world around them. And, as a parent of three, I know how expensive supporting children in college is, especially if more than one is enrolled at the same time. I believe we can make no better investment in America’s future than to help our young people get the education they will need to succeed in the 21st century. Please vote in favor of this bill.

بایگانی‌های قوانین و مقررات

Letter #5:
My business is located in your district and I have been one of your supporters throughout your term in office. I strongly encourge you to support House Bill 221, The Venture Capital Enhancement Act sponsored by Representative Davenport.Those of us in the high tech businesses understand how vital venture capital is to the growth of industry. Without it, we could not have enjoyed the advances in communication and medicine that we seen in the past decade.

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