نامه درباره زندگی

متن درباره نامه درباره زندگی. عمر. حیات. جان. دوران زندگی


Letter #1:
Dear (name):

Have you checked out college costs for your children lately?

We have an Executive Desk Set we’d like to give you FREE, just for finding out how Doe Life Insurance can help pay for your children’s higher education.

Indicators confirm that college costs will continue to rise much faster than inflation. Imagine how expensive college will be when your children are ready to go. Many people, even families with two incomes, find it difficult to meet the costs without planning.

It is possible to give your children the college education you want for them without spending a fortune or scrimping. You can help your son or daughter realize their dreams with a life insurance policy that builds up tax-deferred cash values that you can access as loans to help:

* Furnish funds for a child’s education

* Provide you with greater peace of mind

So stop wondering! And stop worrying!

Doe Life Insurance has a variety of competitive life insurance products. Call us or return the coupon below. Find out how you can put financial strength of Doe Life Insurance to work for you…to protect the dreams you have for your children.


P.S. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 555-5555.

زندگی عاشقانه

Letter #2:
Dear (Name):

Nothing is more important than your family. Perhaps you have considered what might become of them if you were suddenly gone.

None of us enjoy discussing death, but it is a reality. It can happen before you have adequately prepared for your family. During their time of grieving, they shouldn’t have to worry about their financial future.

Doe Life Insurance has answers. Did you know that if you are 35, you can purchase $250,000 of life insurance for only (amount) per month? Here are some other examples:

*(list ages, amounts, and premiums)

We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs. We think you will see that adequate insurance is affordable. We can tailor-make a plan just for your circumstances. We will contact you next week to answer any questions you may have.


P.S. How much is your family’s security worth?

نامه درباره زندگی

فرهنگ زندگی

Letter #3:
Dear (Name):

Do you think that life insurance is just for adults? I am sure you have made provisions for your family in the event of your death. But have you considered the benefits of purchasing life insurance for your children?

Providing your children with life insurance early is a smart idea for two primary reasons: First, you can begin building a cash value at an early age. Second, they are receiving protection that might not be available later should they suffer a serious accident or illness.

And you can provide this protection at a very low cost.

Please look over the enclosed sample plan that describes the basic benefits. For more information, please fill out and return the enclosed card. We look forward to hearing from you.


P.S. Your children will benefit from your foresight for the rest of their lives.

زندگی زیباست

Letter #4:
You can NOW save up to 70% on Life Insurance!

Why Spend Hundreds or Thousands of Dollars More Than You Have To?

We represent the very best companies and the lowest rates!


Our professionals will you save money over your current premiums…and they can help you get started with the best values on new coverage.


to these 10-year, level-term, monthly sample premiums for preferred nonsmokers.

(List coverages, male/female, prices)

You can’t do better!


زندگی نامه

Letter #5:
Happy Birthday!

John, you will be celebrating a special day in December. But today, at your present age, you still have time to enroll for $5,000 or $10,000 of life insurance at a lower rate–a considerable savings if you act now!


This life insurance is guaranteed renewable term insurance. Experts will tell you that term insurance is the most economical insurance you can buy.


* Give me just two minutes of your time to complete the short enrollment form and I will pay for the first month’s coverage. That’s right! I will pay for the full $5,000 or $10,000 of coverage for the first month.


After we accept your enrollment form, your certificate of insurance will be mailed to you for your approval. If you don’t agree that this Doe Life Insurance policy is your best life insurance value–return it within 30 days for a full refund.

After the first month your monthly premium will be (price) for $5,000 of coverage or (price) for $10,000 of coverage, if you enroll before your December birthday. Act now and you can save (price) every year for life on $10.000 of coverage.

IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD. You probably feel strongly about providing for your family. If you were to die, this protection would go a long way toward covering obligations and supplying a little nest egg. It’s a good feeling to know that you have planned ahead.


Give yourself and your family a birthday gift that won’t break, go out of style, or wear out.



You really should take advantage of the lower premium I have quoted to you. Please don’t lay this opportunity aside. Mail your enrollment form before your birthday.


You will have an especially Happy Birthday knowing that you have added this extra measure of financial security for your family.

Very truly yours,

P.S. Please read the enclosed brochure and then complete the short enrollment form. Be sure to indicate your choice of $5,000 or $10,000 of coverage.

حیات زندگی

Letter #6:
Dear (name),

Currently, you are covered under an accidental death and dismemberment insurance plan through Doe Credit Card.

However, your current plan won’t pay you anything for hospital care or outpatient emergency room treatment due to an accidental injury.

To fill this gap in your protection, arrangements have been made through Doe Casualty Insurance Company (DCIC) to update your coverage with 3 new cash benefits for accidental injuries–at no cost to you for 60 days:

Plan A:

You get paid directly–not the doctor, and not the hospital. You are free to spend the money any way you choose.

To accept these 3 important new benefits, just complete, sign, and return the enclosed form by September 5th.


P.S. Doe Credit Card pays for your first 60 days of protection whether you choose Family or Single coverage. After that, you can continue for as low as $6/month!

تعریف زندگی چیست؟

Letter #7:
Dear (name),

Our Insurance Plan Administrator recently conducted a survey of the $2,000 Accidental Death Insurance provided by Doe Credit Union. We records show that you do not have the $2,000 accident coverage that you are automatically entitled to at no cost. This coverage helps protect your family’s financial future in the event of an accident.

An open enrollment period is underway through March 5. During this time, members of the Doe Credit Union, age 18 to 69, have the opportunity to take advantage of this no-cost member benefit. Premiums for this coverage will be completely paid for by the credit union. (Name of insurance company) is also giving credit union members a chance to add to this no-cost coverage. Each additional $10,000 of coverage costs just $1.00 per month!

To claim your $2,000 no-cost coverage, complete the enrollment form and mail it in today. If you want to get additional coverage, complete the same enrollment form and indicate the coverage you desire. Premiums will be automatically deducted from your account. It’s that convenient!

For more information regarding this Credit Union Member insurance protection, call 1-800-555-5555.


Doe Credit Union

P.S. Open Enrollment Period Ends March 5. To make sure your coverage is in effect by April 1, mail your completed enrollment form right away.

سخنان بزرگ درباره زندگی

Letter #8:
Dear Jane,

Why does a woman need Doe Life Insurance?

Many women have asked, “Life Insurance? Why me?”

If you’re married, your husband probably has life insurance. Shouldn’t you, too? There are some important reasons. If you’re employed, for example, your family’s standard of living depends on your income. If you’re a homemaker, the cost to hire a housekeeper could be substantial.

Doe Life Insurance can provide the money for either situation.

If you’re single, someone may still depend on you. Doe Life Insurance proceeds can continue to support your dependents. Even with no dependents, insurance can help with funeral expenses or as a savings plan for your later years.

Married or single, Doe Life Insurance can help you plan for tomorrow.

(List 3-5 eventualities and types of policies)

Whatever your situation, Doe Life Insurance can protect it and help you plan. For more information on how Doe Life Insurance can help a woman like you. Please return the enclosed reply card. You’ll be glad you did.

Find out why you need Doe Life Insurance. Mail the card today!

Very truly yours,

Letter #9:
Dear John:

Live life to its fullest today….

…. and let Doe Life Insurance take care of tomorrow.

Over one million people trust Doe Life Insurance. You can trust us, too.

For every contingency, Doe Life can meet your present and future needs:

–disability coverage to protect your income;

-life insurance, to offset funeral expenses, cover your business interests, or assure your family’s income needs;

-retirement annuities, to guarantee that your golden years will be your best.

May I have just 10 minutes to show you some a few ways Doe Life can help you achieve financial peace of mind? Of course, there would be no obligation!

I’ll call you in a few days to set up an appointment.

I think you’ll find that Doe Life can eliminate tomorrow’s concerns so you can love life today.


دوران زندگی.جملاتی الهام بخش و زیبا برای زندگی. ساختن زندگی بهتر.راز های موفقیت در زندگی که هر فردی باید بداند

Letter #10:
Dear Caring Parent,

Life insurance for children gives them a head start.

Did you know that a $5,000 policy BECOMES $10,000 by age 21? And with no increase in cost!

That’s right. The monthly premium you pay today is the same premium your child pays tomorrow. It never goes up!

Cash it in and it makes a nice college fund.


When your child becomes an adult, Doe Insurance guarantees that your child can increase the coverage by up to $40,000.00 more–no questions asked.


The information I’ve enclosed describes the insurance plan. Please read it now. Then mail your application in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Your policy is issued and sent to you for your approval as soon as our review shows that your child is of eligible age and health. You have no obligation to keep it. You’re just reviewing it. If you keep it, one future day your child will be very grateful that you did.


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