نامه درباره هنر/ محیط زیست

متن درباره نامه درباره هنر/ محیط زیست.

Arts / Environment

جایگاه هنر در حفظ محیط‌زیست

Letter #1:
Dear Ms. Doe,

A few weeks ago, we sent you a complimentary calendar created especially for friends of The Doe Center for the Performing Arts.

You may recall that, along with your special gift, we included an urgent request for your help with our Special Matching Grant Appeal for (year).

If you have already sent your contribution, please accept my warmest thanks for your generosity.

But if you have not yet had a chance to respond, or if you misplaced my original letter, I urge you to take a moment right now to help The Doe Center for the Performing Arts reach its $300,000 goal for the Special Appeal.

Whether you enjoy theater, contemporary dance, musicals, ballet, jazz, or classical music, you know you can depend on us to provide you with the finest in cultural arts.

And as I mentioned earlier, ticket sales alone only cover 70% of our costs. We have to rely upon friends like you to help make up the difference.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to send a generous gift of $100 today.

Your additional support, above and beyond your annual contribution to The Doe Center for the Performing Arts Membership, will help us offer the finest in the performing arts making our productions available, accessible, and affordable to everyone.

Please keep in mind that every $2 of your gift will be matched with $1 from the (name) Foundation, thanks to their generous matching gift program. Your $50 contribution is actually worth $75 . . . your $100 contribution is worth $150!

Thanks to supporters like you, we’re reaching beyond the walls of The Doe Center for the Performing Arts to bring the performing arts to all people. (List services that cannot continue without donations.)

Although these productions are free for the audience, they are not free for The Doe Center for the Performing Arts–they cost a great deal of money. That’s why I’m counting on you to send a generous gift today.

The fact is, without help from friends like you, we cannot maintain our high artistic and professional standards and continue to bring the world’s most accomplished performers to our center every day.

So please send your gift to our Special Matching Grant Appeal (year) today. Together, we can look forward to a very special season that brings the magic of the performing arts to you and to many others.


نامه درباره هنر/ محیط زیست

برقراری ارتباط بین هنر و محیط زیست.

اهميت طراحي گرافيك محيط زيست

Letter #2:
The Doe Arts Center


Dear Ms. Doe:

By now, you should have received your set of Note Cards, created exclusively for Doe Arts Center supporters such as yourself.

As of this writing, we’re still counting on you to send a gift of $100 for this year’s Matching Grant Appeal. We are fortunate that the Stevens Family Foundation has agreed to match every $2 you contribute with an additional $1, magnifying the impact of your gift.

We still need $130,000 to reach our goal this year. Your generous gift today will help us continue to offer the world’s finest ballet and music.

Remember, ticket sales defray only 60% of the Doe Arts Center’s performance costs, and federal appropriations cover only the maintenance of the building and grounds.

So we really need your help. Please take a moment right now to mail your contribution. If you have sent a gift, and our letters have crossed in the mail, please accept our thanks for your generosity.

With best wishes,

Jane Doe

Manager, Annual Giving Programs

P.S. Remember, the Stevens Family Foundation has generously offered to donate $1 for every $2 you give, so your gift will have an even bigger impact on our performing arts. For example, if you give $50 the Stevens Family Foundation will donate an additional $25. Please give generously today. Thank you!

خلاقیت هنری برای حمایت از حیوانات و توجه به محیط زیست

.محیط زیست و هنر ایرانی

Letter #3:
Dear Friend of Public Television:

I am writing to you today because I’m convinced you care–more than most–about what your family watches on television. You care about quality. You share an interest in having the medium of television be more than mindless entertainment. And my hope is that you are willing to help make that difference a reality.

In 1927, Philo T. Farnsworth invented the first television tube. In the words of his widow:

“Philo saw television as a marvelous teaching tool. There would be no excuse for illiteracy. Parents could learn along with their children. Symphonies would mean more when one could see the musicians as they played. He said there would be a time when we would be able to see and learn about people in other lands. If we understood them better, he believed, differences could be settled around the conference table, without going to war.”

In short, Philo T. Farnsworth saw television as a force for good, as a powerful ally in the war against ignorance, as a means to lift and inspire. This is exactly the mission of Public Television–to lift and inspire, educate and entertain.

Because I’m convinced that you share Philo Farnsworth’s dream of what television ought to be and that you would be willing to support something that has such a positive impact on you, your family, and your community–I am writing to ask that you become an active member of Public Television.

Being a viewer is great. We’re glad you recognize the quality of our programming and the value of what we do. But now, more than ever, we need your active support so that we can continue bringing you the quality, family-oriented programming you’ve come to expect from Public Television.

So, I hope you will consider a tax-deductible contribution in an amount that reflects the value that Public Television has to you and your family–whether that amount is $120, $60, or basic membership at $40 per year.

Thank you in advance for your generous demonstration of support and your help in carrying out Philo Farnsworth’s dream.

With all good wishes,

P.S. For your convenience, I’ve enclosed a response card and self-addressed envelope.

Television can be a force for good

.هنرهای محیطی در ایران و جهان و مسایل زیست محیطی

زیبایی شناسی محیط زیست

Letter #4:
Dear Conservationist:

Save the Blue Spruce from deadly beetles!

Did you know that various species of beetles are consuming over 1,000 acres of Blue Spruces a week? While this tree was once plentiful in various forests, now its corpses lie in heaps. And, if nothing is done to help save the Blue Spruce, none will remain by the year (date).

At Save the Blue Spruce Foundation, we’re taking action now to assure this beautiful tree will be here tomorrow. Now you can help.

Your contribution goes directly to fund educational and scientific programs that will protect the North America’s Blue Spruce forests and ensure its expansion.

With your support, we can make breakthroughs that will make the difference between plentiful forests and extinction.

I am asking you today to please help Save the Blue Spruce. With your gift, we can make great progress toward the survival of this magnificent tree this year.

I urge you to send in your generous gift. We’ll send you FREE a beautiful Blue Spruce key chain to thank you for your goodwill.

Please, fill in the attached pledge card and mail it today.

Thank you.

ﻫﻨﺮ در ﺧﺪﻣﺖ ﻣﺤﯿﻂ زﯾﺴﺖ.

کارگروه هنر و محیط زیست

Letter #5:
Dear John,

Recently, the Doe Foundation asked if I would help them in a special neighborhood fund-raising campaign called “Neighborhood Survival.”

I said “yes” right away.

You see, I know the Doe Foundation represents the people who helped with the flood victims last year. Today, they are helping people from rural Mexico to our own neighborhood boundaries.

Will you join Neighborhood Survival by making a donation today to Doe Foundation?

Give whatever you can afford . . . $5, $10, $20 or even more if you can. Just make out your check to Doe Foundation. Then return it to me in the enclosed envelope, and I’ll forward it to Doe Foundation.

A full 80% of every dollar received will go towards services that will benefit our neighborhood and other neighborhoods like ours across the country.

Together we can make a difference. So please give generously. Thank you.


P.S. Gifts to the Doe Foundation are tax deductible as charitable contributions.

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