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نامه درخواست حساب اعتباری

متن درباره نامه درخواست حساب اعتباری. نامه انگلیسی اعتبار اکانت

Ruquest or apply for a credit account

Letter #1:
I want to establish a line of credit with your company. My employees are making more and more trips to your store and the need to prepare a check for each purchase is becoming inconvenient. It would be much easier to pay at the end of each month. Based on the last few months’ purchases, I think a $10,000 credit line is sufficient for now.

If you have any concerns about my company’s credit worthiness, please feel free to contact the following companies we have dealt with over the last few years:

Doe Corporation

1600 Main Street

Springfield, Kansas 12345

Telephone: 555-5555

Doe International

1600 Main Street

Springfield, Kansas 12345

Telephone: 555-5555

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.

Letter #2:
We have been purchasing supplies from Doe Corporation for the last nine months on a cash basis and wish to open a charge account for future transactions with your company. It will ease our bookkeeping tasks to pay bills monthly rather than on delivery. If you would like to consult other companies with whom we have done business, please contact the enclosed credit references. We look forward to your speedy reply.

نامه درخواست حساب اعتباری

Letter #3:
I would like to open a charge account with Doe’s Tire. Our fleet of cars and trucks is growing at such a rate that it only makes sense to place our tire needs wholly in Doe’s capable hands. A quick credit check will reveal that our company’s credit is spotless, so I am confident that a $2000 revolving credit line will serve both of us well. I have enclosed a completed standard credit application form. I look forward to your speedy reply.

نحوه ی شارژ حساب اعتباری و پرداخت سفارش.امتیاز اعتباری.مشاهده و پرداخت صورتحساب

Letter #4:
We have been very pleased with the quality of your machine and fabrication work on the few custom orders we have brought you. We would be happy if we could open a charge account with you and have you perform all of our automotive machine shop services. Doe’s normally does $600 per month in machine service, and we have always done it in-house. However, our machinist has retired, and we need reliable service on a charge basis. Any of the local automotive suppliers will gladly vouch for our good credit, and we will be happy to complete an application to expedite the process. Please respond as quickly as possible, so that we may begin taking in machine work again soon.

نامه درخواست اعتبار خط

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