متن درباره نامه دستورالعمل ها.دستورالعمل های مربوط به گزارش ها و کارنامه های کاغذی
Issue directives concerning reports and paperwork
Letter #1:
Please circulate this letter and the attached calendar of reporting deadlines to all full-time employees. It is imperative that everyone be particularly aware of the deadlines for the Doe contract. Review the dates in your weekly meetings and be prompt in submitting progress reports. I cannot overemphasize the importance of monitoring the work on the Doe contract very closely. Do not hesitate to bring questions to your supervisor’s attention.
Letter #2:
Your weekly reports of client contacts and new sales need to be on my desk no later than 11:30 a.m. each Monday. If you are unable to meet this deadline, contact me directly before Monday.
Letter #3:
I need to familiarize myself with the report of your department’s internal audit before I meet with the shareholders on March 15.
I would like to present the results in the best possible light, so I will appreciate any ideas that will help.
Letter #4:
The progress reports for all the patients on your unit are seriously overdue. To keep the rest of the staff informed of the patients’ progress, we need to have the reports in the file within 24 hours after each therapy session. Please rectify this situation as soon as possible.