نامه شکایت به زیردست

متن دربارهنامه شکایت به زیردست.یک نامه شکایت را به یک زیردستان بنویسید. نوشتن نامه به زیردست

Write a complaint letter to a subordinate

Letter #1:
I noticed that the finishing work on the last batch of picture frames was unusually rough. I know the quality of work that you personally produce is superb, so I am wondering what the problem may be in your group. Would you please monitor the production of this next order very carefully to see where the problem is?

As you know, careful attention to quality control is what has helped us gain our large market share, and we can’t afford to let up now when we hope to expand abroad.

Thank you in advance for following through on this. Please let me know what you find out.

Letter #2:
Last week, after everyone had gone home, I found trash on the floor, crumbs on the desks, and even a drink leaking out of its paper cup.

Please do not put your drinks on the desks because the liquid could damage your computer, and bring only spill-proof drinks into the office area. Also, if you must eat, make sure the crumbs do not land on your keyboard and that you clean up after yourself.

If we all follow these simple guidelines, we can have a more pleasant work environment and can reduce the possibility of damaging our computers. I trust you will help me keep the office clean and orderly.

شکایات و تقاضاها.سامانه الکترونيکي پاسخگويي به شکايات

Letter #3:
I understand that the building was left unlocked last night. By my count, this has happened three times in the last month. To solve what could be a very expensive problem, I am establishing a policy where someone will be responsible each week for locking all doors and windows at the end of the day. An open door or window is an invitation to theft. I have attached the May calendar, showing weekly assignments. If you have a conflict with your assignment, please let me know immediately. Thank you for helping me resolve this problem.

نامه هشدار به توزیع کننده

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