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نامه مخالفت با لایحه

متن درباره نامه مخالفت با لایحه.مخالفت با یک لایحه، پرداخت اجاره یا سایر مسائل مالی

Disagree with a bill , rent payment ,or other financial issue

Letter #1:
On February 2, 2002, I received an invoice for $546.00 from Doe Corporation, dated January 30, 2002. Although I once had a loan from Doe, I paid the full balance on January 1, 2002. Please find enclosed a copy of my returned check endorsed by a Doe employee. According to the loan agreement, I was obligated to pay $250 per month until the loan was paid in full.

The agreement also clearly states that Doe will not charge me a penalty for prepayment of the loan. Yet the January 30 invoice indicates that the $546.00 that you are demanding is a penalty. Because of the terms of our agreement, I will not pay the amount you request. I have complied in full with our contract and I expect Doe to return my promissory note within two weeks of this letter. Thank you for your prompt attention to this oversight.

نامه مخالفت با لایحه

Letter #2:
To my surprise I received an incorrect bill from you today. You must have forgotten that we agreed on $900 for the painting, not $1,100. I hope we can resolve this problem quickly. I would like to continue our good relationship and refer you to friends and family in need of your services. Please send me a corrected bill. Thank you.

بررسی دلایل مخالفت ها.سخنان موافق و مخالف لايحه

Letter #3:
I have just received the April statement for my Doe’s charge account #12345-67890, and there appears to be a discrepancy between your records and my own. The statement shows two charges at Doe Floor Covering for the month of April, when in fact I only made one purchase there, for $250.00, on April 14. The second charge of $65.00 dated April 19 is clearly an error, as I never entered the store after the initial $250.00 transaction. Please review your records and send me a revised billing statement. If it appears to be a case of fraud, I am prepared to present records of my account activity with Doe’s. I have always been pleased with my Doe’s account and am confident you will give this matter prompt attention.

Letter #4:
The bill you submitted to me for the dinner you catered last night is incorrect. The bill lists 50 dinners at $10.50 per person, but the total shown is $550, $25 more than the agreed-upon figure. Because I need an accurate bill for tax purposes, I will wait to send you a check until I receive a corrected bill. I look forward to receiving it.

نامه مخالفت با مزایا

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