نامه یک تصمیم

نامه یک تصمیم

متن درباره نامه یک تصمیم.یک دستورالعمل یا تصمیم را تأیید کنید. تایید کردن دستور

Confirm a directive or decision

Letter #1:
Thank you for preparing and sending us your report of Doe’s chemical analysis of our stone sample. I look forward to studying it, but from your summary, it appears to be exactly what we need.

Letter #2:
Your report of June 6 arrived today and is on my desk awaiting review. After I have read it thoroughly and given it the attention it deserves, I will call you. Thank you for your promptness.

Letter #3:
Your report arrived this morning. As agreed, I will present it to the executive committee next Friday. I appreciate the work you did and hope the committee sees the wisdom in your proposal.

Letter #4:
I have referred your request for information on the whereabouts of Jane Doe to our Records Department. The director assures me that he will have an answer for you by the end of the week. If you need to talk to him before then, his number is 555-5555, extension 55.

Let me know if we can help further.

نامه یک نیرو فروش

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