متن درباره نوشتن نامه تنبیه مستاجر.یک نامه بنویسید که مستاجران را مجازات کند.نوشت نامه سرزنش اجاره نشین
Write a letter reprimanding tenants
Letter #1:
Your neighbors have complained that your dog is creating a nuisance. Possibly you have not read paragraph 11 of your rental agreement, which clearly states that pets are not allowed. Please remove your dog from the premises by this weekend, Saturday, March 9, 2002.
Letter #2:
It has come to my attention that you are parking your car in front of the garbage dumpster. As you may have noticed, a sign is posted on the dumpster reading, “No parking.” Please refrain from parking there again so the city can gain access to the dumpster. I expect you will correct the situation at once.
Letter #3:
It has come to my attention that you have been dumping your used motor oil in the apartment dumpster. This is not only in violation of your rental agreement (paragraph 19: “tenant agrees to make appropriate and timely use of garbage disposal facilities”), but it is a ticketable offense in this city. In the future, please dispose of your motor oil and other hazardous materials in the manner described in the enclosed Sanitation Authority pamphlet. Failure to comply will result in your eviction, and possible citation. I trust that this has been a simple oversight, and that this problem will be solved with no further action.
قانون مالک و مستاجر
Letter #4:
According to your contract, no smoking is allowed inside your apartment. This is to give everyone living in Doe Place a “smoke free” environment. However, your neighbors have now complained to me a second time about the smoke they smell coming from your apartment. If you are not prepared to stop smoking in the building, you will need to look for another apartment elsewhere. Should we receive another complaint, we will be forced to begin eviction proceedings against you. We hope no further action is necessary and that this will be the end of the matter.
Letter #5:
Before moving in, you agreed to pay the deposit in three monthly installments of $200 each. You have now been living in the apartment for two months, and although you have paid the rent, you have made no payments on the deposit. I must receive a cashier’s check for $400 by the 31st of the month, or I will be forced to take legal action against you. I look forward to receiving your check.