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گزارش دوم-مهشيد عطائى- ٢١مرداد-تهران

hello ☺️☺️

i hope you feel good

im very busy today and i dont have time for study lesson 5 but im in english class every day and study “english for cabin crew”

this book is about responsibility for flight attendant

and caption and first officer and…

i have 1 question about one part of this book

about adjective and noun

actually i dont in in sentence , when we should use adjective and when we use noun

for example

airlines prefer to hire cheerful/cheerfulness people who alao show a lot of empathetic/empathy.

i wonder if you explaint to me about this part

i hope i can clearity speak?

have a good night ?


oh my friend you should just study American course and OPD, not any other things ok?

1 thought on “گزارش دوم-مهشيد عطائى- ٢١مرداد-تهران”

  1. hello
    no , English for cabin crew its my job
    i should take part in that class and i should pass that and several other lessons related to my job

    شبتون بخير
    من چون تازه دارم استخدام ميشم بايد ٤ ماه دوره ي قبل از كار رو كه خود شركت گذاشته شركت كنم
    يك ماه و نيمش كتابهاي تاپ ناچ بود كه تموم شد الان ديگه درسهاي تخصصي مهمانداري و چيزاي مربوط به اون هست منتها همشون جزوه هاش درساش حتي كلاساش انگليسيه يعني اجباري
    به نظر شما صبر كنم اين دوره تموم شه بعد سايت سلام زبان رو ادامه بدم؟ يا اوكيه اگر بتونم به هردوش برسم؟

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