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Home » گزارش شصت و هفتم.4 اردیبهشت.سمیه.شیراز

گزارش شصت و هفتم.4 اردیبهشت.سمیه.شیراز

Hello,for units were studied (9th to 12th),good historical stories with benefit vocabularies for IELTS exam like;diagram,numerous,majestic,nor.For explaining the graph these are advantage.My obligation  is collecting all synonyms from whole levels and review them to be saved in my mind.Thank you.One section you had consulted me that for improving my listening and writing correct words I should improve my spelling”How can I do it?” It is necessary for me and exactly for my exam.I am really worried about listening part of IELTS test 100% more than konkour


right now just focus on your reading comprehension skills and listening

after improving them, we will go for writing

try just read stories, enjoy them, and download files and listen to them every day

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