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Home » گزارش شصت.25 فروردین. سمیه-شیراز

گزارش شصت.25 فروردین. سمیه-شیراز

Hello,Finally  had finished  third level,the end of level was easier  than some units amongst  that.I have two questions; first about listening;  When I hear  a mp3 file and try to write  that ,I write the word but with wrong dictation because I do not know the exact  vocabulary, Is it true  or not?? And second; I wanted  to download  mp3 files  of level (4,5 & 6) ,but, just fourth  level was open,both of other levels were blocked.Could you please open them because we purchased  new account with date for our wifi and I want to use it for downloading. Thank you so much


for dictation,I think it’s a good time for you to improve your spelling

but if you don’t like, it’s not important at all

and for levels 5 and 6, I will ask our manager to open them for you today

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