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Home » گزارش چهارم-حسین-17 خرداد 96

گزارش چهارم-حسین-17 خرداد 96

من امروز تونستم درس 1,2و3 را دوباره کامل مرور کنم و پارت اول درس 4 را بخوانم.


My father’s head is big and his abdomen is very big ,too

His waist is normal.

He wear a belt on his hip and a bow tie on his neck.

He has tall leg but his sister has tall feet and white hand.

My brother’s arm are big or tall.He is a sportman so he has big shoulders and big back.

His battocks are good.

sara has big breast and good chist and good thigh so her body is very good.

My knee hurts and my calf is hurts,as well


very good

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