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Home » گزارش چهارم-میلاد-6بهمن-شیروان

گزارش چهارم-میلاد-6بهمن-شیروان

Hi my first name is milad and my last name is bahadori I am from shirvam I’m iranian I’m 26 years old I was born in shirvan . shirvan is north of khorasan. My father and my mother are teachers. they are tech arabic. I have two sister.I love my family. my hair is black and white. my eyes are brown. I wear a sunglasses my eyes are intersested in sport and music and cinema and study english I study electrical engeenering in universty I’m very sad because they are dead firefiters in building palasco in tehran ta ta.


it was fantastic Milad, that event was awful, especially the death of firefighters

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