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American level one

Hi,I ma here.I am FARIB.this is my report.LESSON 13:listen to these verbs:paint,play,read,visit…..Speaking  interview around the word:what is your name?my name is FARIBA .where do you live?I live in TABRIZ.what language do you speak?i speak Persian .where do you do every day?I eat Iranian food .I worked in Iranian factory.I watched Iranian TV. Speaking 3 :talk about it?where do you live ?what do you do?……Speaking 4 how to say it? hesitate:while you are thinking of you answer .Review 2 listening:about Stanly,s international restaurant.he cook a different kind of food of different country .Conversation:what kind of food do you like ?we like Vitnamies food .COMMON verb:eat fast food .like dogs……part 2?play piano ,play sport,go to the movie……part 3 take a break ,change money ,pay credit card ,see,hear. Grammer:use can for ability :I can cook .she can drive,she can not drive,can he play tennis? yes he can.Complete the sentences with verbs:1-swim .2-change. 3-call. 4-pay. 5-take. 6-use. 7-drive. 8-play.are there two pronunciation  for can?.i see clip about what is the time? i hear to VOA voice file.about thanksgiving .I am very happy I understand almost whole of file or it is easy.i have two question ,1-i do not understand well about common verb,and are there two pronunciation about can.very thanks


common verb 

یعنی فعل هایی که خیلی متداول هستند و تقریبا همیشه ازشون استفاده می کنیم

drink coffee

نوشیدن قهوه

have children

بچه داشتن

ما همیشه 


رو به صورت /کِن/ تلفظ می کنیم و


رو به صورت /کَنت/

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