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American level one

Hi,I am here.I am farib.this is my report.Lesson 16:present continues ,listen to these verbs :brushing cleaning ,washing.I am fixing my sink .Are you busy?yes I am I am washing my Helen busy?yes she is ,she is feeding her dog.How to say it!A:farib!F:yes?A:what are you doing?F:I am doing my housework .Pronunciation :deleted ,,h,,.he is feeding his dog. ,,h ,,is deleted .Wh question:who is he ?he is my son.what is his name?his name is Behrad .where is he ?he is in the bedroom.what is he doing?he is sleeping.I am looking for!can I help you?yes please,I am looking for a pair of earing?here is a nice pair of earing .but these are orange earing .that is okey ,orange earing are very popular this year.what are you wearing today?i am wearing a pink shirt and violet skirt.what is your favorite color?I like pink ,green,and cream color.DIALOG:a:hi jim,this is jack.I am from MiAMI. B:Miami?what are you doing in Miami.?I am on vacation. how us the weather in this city?is it sunny?no,it is not,it is it hot?no it is not ,it is cold.are you having a good time?no,I am not,I am having TERRIBLE.(question:why the TERRIBLEis writing with capital letters?)Reading:about people are living in 159 apartment River street.everybody is very bust today.Reading 2:about a litter of Ethel to her mother and she say many terrible that they are having on vacation in their hotel.but they are happy because they are on vacation and they to be together.Reading 3:about Arthur he is very tired  and it is late at night.but his neighbors are a making a lot of noise. he is very angry.Reading 4:today is very special day for Tom,it is his wedding day.his family is happy.they are dancing,eating,singing,laughing.Reading 5:shopping holiday .Mrs.Melly looking for gifts for her family.but she having a lot of terrible. umbrella ,rain coat,sweater,bracelet,tie are different with what she want..I see clip ,it is about what where,when,and about sometimes never often always .I read family reunion and the home of OPD.I listen to file voice about Nily brown.she was a reporter of newspaper.she report her trips and write story.thanks


good job

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