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Me,amirmohammad salehi,the 14th of Mordad 1396 Hello teacher, today I only watched  some master coach, good luck write you soon. salamzaban: that’s good, thank you


Me,amirmohammad salehi,the 10th of the mordad Hello,teacher today I only had a chat with my partner about OPD, good luck salamzaban: thank you


Me, Amirmohammad salehi, the 9th of mordad 1396 hello my firend, today I watched master coach, I listened to some conversation Of lesson 21 and I had a chat with my partner. ok I try… ame


Me,Amirmohammad salehi, the 6th of mordad 1396 Hello teacher,How s it going? Today I reviewed OPD, I watched master coach, and I listened some conversation of lesson 21 and about your question In fact ,… ame


Me, amirmohammad salehi,the 3th of Mordad 1396 Hello teacher today, I only reviewed OPD good luck. salamzaban: can you please tell me about your speaking, writing, listening and reading? do you feel improve in them?… ame


Me, amirmohammad salehi,the second Of  the Mordad 1396 Hello teacher, Today I reviewed OPD,I did some practice with OXford word skills,I studied some english course and watched master coach, good luck. salamzaban: please just focus… ame


Me, Amirmohammad salehi, the 1st of mordad Hello,teacher at first Tanks a lot for your guide Today I reviewed  OPD and started lesson 21 and studied some of my discipline reference, If  you let me… ame


me, Amirmohammad salehi , the 31th of tir 1396 Hello teacher, today,I reviewed OPD I saw some master coach and studied the lesson 21 but its strange for me because Its very short and now… ame


Me,Amirmohammad salehi,the 25th of tir 1396 Hello teacher how s it going? I’m only sorry for these days, because I often did my practice but I didn’t send my news now, today I finished lesson… ame


Me,Amirmohammad salehi , the 16th of tir 1396 Hello teacher Today I watch some master coach clip and stdied some parts of lesson 18 good luck. salamzaban: thank you for your good job