Me,amirmohammad salehi ,the 15th of tir 1396 hello teacher today, I only had chat with my partner about opd. Good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me,amirmohammad salehi ,the 15th of tir 1396 hello teacher today, I only had chat with my partner about opd. Good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me,Amirmohammad salehi, the 12 of tir , hello teacher Today I only reviewed OPD. good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me , amirmohammad salehi,The 11th of tir 1396 Hello teacher toady I only reviewed opd good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me, Amirmohammad salehi, the 10th of tir Hello, today I reviewed OPD and I had a chat with my partner good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me,Amirmohammad salehi,the 9th of tir 1396 Hello my friend today I started lesson 18 and I reviewed oPd and at these remain times I want to see master coach good luck. salamzaban: very good
Me, Amirmohammad salehi , the 6th of tir 1396 Hello teacher, Happy fetr vacation and celebrity, today, I had a chat with my partner and reviewed Opd. good luck. salamzaban: happy Fetr thank you
Me,Amirmohammad salehi,the 29th of khordad 1396 Hello teacher, today, I had a chat with my partner and I started lesson 17 and send my voice to the concealer good luck salamzaban: fantastic!