Ana, kh,21th report
Hi, my dear instructor, I finished lesson 20, And spoke in English with my friends, And wrote my diary in English, I am going to finish the grammer notes of site. Have a good day.… Ana, kh,21th report
Hi, my dear instructor, I finished lesson 20, And spoke in English with my friends, And wrote my diary in English, I am going to finish the grammer notes of site. Have a good day.… Ana, kh,21th report
Hi,my dear instructor,I studied lesson 19, And sent voice in English in chat group, And wrote my diary in English, I try to follow your step-by-step guide and thank you so much. salamzaban: thank you
Hi, my dear instructor, I can finish lesson 18th. Have a very good night. salamzaban: very good please send me your speaking file via telegram: @salamzabanhelp
Hi, Dear structor, I study lesson 17, and OPD from page 51 to 58, Thanks a lot. salamzaban: very good
Hi my Dear structor,I can not do my English program for a few days ago but when I return to study,I try to review last nots and after that I finish lesson 16. Have a… Ana,18th report
Hi,This is a short text in English for my Dear instructor I am going to write a text about a very intresting place ,this place is a school,in fact a special school for special children,who… Ana,17th report
Hi,Today I finish Lesson 15 Thanks a lot. salamzaban: good job, could you please write a short text in English for me?
Hi, Dear instructor,I read OPD from page 45 to 51, And listen to english radio of Iran. salamzaban: very good but please just study OPD and american course