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Armin – report 61

Hi.Today I review OPD book chapter one salamzaban: you need to think with it and take it every where with yourself

Armin – report 60

Hi.Yesterday and today I could review lessen nine and OPD book chapter one salamzaban: good job

Armin – report 59

Hi.Today I could review four parts of OPD picture dictionary  chapter one salamzaban: thank you

Armin – report 58

Hi.Yesterday I couldn’t review english but today I could review lessen nine from level one salamzaban: good job,

Armin – report 57

Hi.Yesterday and today I could review lessen seven and lessen eight and review OPD chapter five.But I couldn’t think english alot salamzaban: thank you for your effort

Armin – report 56

Hi.Yesterday and today I review lessen eight this lessen is about job salamzaban: very good

Armin – report 54

Hi.Today I review lessen seven.This lessen is about ownership and impertive verb salamzaban: Great!