Armin – report 51
Hi. Today I review lessen six. This lessen is about phone number and family. salamzaban: and about speak with partners or in the group?
Hi. Today I review lessen six. This lessen is about phone number and family. salamzaban: and about speak with partners or in the group?
Hi.Today I review lessen five.This lessen is about numbers , on/in ,country ,nice to meet you. I can’t think english Because I forget that salamzaban: do have any partners?
Hi.Today I could review lessen four from level one. This lessen is about adjective and my and how,where,who. you said I send the massage for you about me: Hi, I’m armin.I’m from gilan.I’m iranian, I’m… Armin – report 49
Hello.Today I review lessen three from level one.This lessen is about numbers and adjective and body parts salamzaban: did you have any problem?
سلام. یکی دو ماه بود که به دلیل دانشگاه و امتحانات نمیتونستم روی انگلیسی وقت بذارم ولی از امروز دوباره و از اول یادگیری انگلیسی رو شروع کردم و امروز تونستم درس 1و 2 دوره… Armin – report 47
Hi.Today I review two parts of OPD chapter three salamzaban: what about American course? if you want to learn English you need to try more
Hi.Today I review 1 part of OPD book chapter 3 this lessen is about housing salamzaban: thank you
Hi.Yesterday and today I review lessen thirteen and two parts of OPD book salamzaban: very good
Hi.Today I review lessen thirteen,this lessen is about can salamzaban: please practice conversations, record your voice and send it to me: @salamzabanhelp زبان آموزان محترم سطح 1 و 2 دوره امریکن سلام زبان توجه داشته… Armin – report 42