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Hi this is A room This is my 30th report After time I finished lesson 21 with sorry thank you for your attention salamzaban: wow, congratulations


I’m Aroom And this is my29th report Hi dear friend Today I finished lesson 19 I think it was very easy Thanks for all salamzaban: very good


Hi dear friend I am Aroom This is my28 report Today I studied some parts of lesson 19 It was about simple present and it was easy thank you a lot salamzaban: very good


Hi dear friend I’m Aroom This is my27 report I studied some parts of lesson18 It was useful thank you salamzaban: thank you


I’m A room This is my 26 th report Today I studied lesson17 It was about present continues And it was useful thanks a lot salamzaban: very good


I’m Aroom This is my25 report Today I studied lesson16 completely It was easy thank you salamzaban: very good, thank you


I’m Aroom This is my 24 report I studied some parts of lesson16 and practice opd thank you salamzaban: thank you


I’m Aroom This is my 23 report Hi dear friend I studied some parts of lesson 15 It seems they are a little difficult especially make question I prepared some pictures and try make question… آمریکن


I’m Aroom This is my22th report Hi dear friend Today I studied lesson14 it was about address and it was useful I have to listen its reading and conversation one more time   I feel… آمریکن


I’m Aroom This is my 21th report Hi dear friend Today I studied lesson 13 and two pages of opd Thank you salamzaban: thank you