report #43 MehdiARad-96Meh03
Dear Moshaver I have started lesson 2 of level 2 and studied 3 parts of it. I have listened to 5 VOA clips, and 2 new parts of Lost was watched also. I will my… report #43 MehdiARad-96Meh03
Dear Moshaver I have started lesson 2 of level 2 and studied 3 parts of it. I have listened to 5 VOA clips, and 2 new parts of Lost was watched also. I will my… report #43 MehdiARad-96Meh03
Dear Moshaver This is my report on my summer activity. I guess you know that I was not so active in summer: – I finished level 1 and started level 2. – I started listening… report #42– MehdiARad- summer report
Dear Moshaver Today I listened to 5 new VOA audio clips. I also could finish the first lesson of level 2 (however, I have to review it again). My other activity today was to watch… report #41– MehdiARad- 96Shah27
Dear Moshaver I studied 4 VOA audio clips. I have also almost finished lesson 01 of level 2. My partner and I decided to chat again. Tomorrow (Monday) will be the beginning of our new… report #40 MehdiARad-96Shah26
Dear Moshaver I am continuing studying level2-lesson1. Although it seems that it’s kind of reviewing the level 1, but I am learning from it a lot. I have also listened to about 10 new VOA… report #38– MehdiARad- 96Mrd22
In my previous report I forgot to mention that I had two chats with my partner (about 2 hours) and also studied three pages of opd. salamzaban: very good, thank you so much
Dear Teacher I have started level 2! I downloaded VOA1 and listened to the first three audioes. I also studied some parts of lesson 1. I wonder if I can watch other videoes other than… report #37– MehdiARad- 96Mrd18
Dear Teacher This is my first report after about one month. I studied two pages of opd (grocery store and packaging). I also studied some parts of lesson21-level 1. But I had some problems with… report #36– MehdiARad- 96Mrd16
Dear Teacher I put my recorded voices of lesson 20 on Telegram. I reviewed a chapter of opd. But, last two nights I couldn’t have chats with my partner. Best salamzaban: thank you
I finished lesson 20. I will record my voices and send them to you. salamzaban: excellent