report #23– MehdiARad- 96Ord31
Dear Teacher I have started lesson 13 and I think I can finish it tomorrow. After that I will record the conversations and send it to you. Lesson 13 has a lot verbs. Although I… report #23– MehdiARad- 96Ord31
Dear Teacher I have started lesson 13 and I think I can finish it tomorrow. After that I will record the conversations and send it to you. Lesson 13 has a lot verbs. Although I… report #23– MehdiARad- 96Ord31
Dear teacher I finished lesson 12. Today I will record the conversations and put it in Telegram. I studied 4 sections of chapter 2 of opd. And I had two chats, each one about one… report #22– MehdiARad- 96Ord29
Dear Teacher I finished lesson 11. I already knew a little about time and therefore I could finish the lesson soon; I think. I have chat with my partner every night. We both are serious… report #21 – MehdiARad- 96Ord26
Dear Teacher I am sorry I haven’t had a report for three days. I was very busy finding a house to rent… However, I could finish lesson 10 (although I have to review it again).… report #20 – MehdiARad- 96Ord22
Dear Teacher I finished lesson 9. Because the clip in lesson 9 is about the human body, I reviewed body parts from lesson 3. Last day I studied some sections of opd: “phone and call”,… report #19 – MehdiARad- 96Ord19
Dear Teacher Last night I had another chat with my partner. Our chat was based on four sections of opd. Tonight we are going to chat again. I am still in lesson 9. Tonight I… report #18 – MehdiARad- 96Ord17
Dear teacher I finished lesson 8 and started 9. I had two chats with my partner, over 2 hours, these two days. My partner and I changed our previous decision and have decided to chat… report #17 – MehdiARad- 96Ord15
Dear Teacher I am studying lesson 8. It seems not to be difficult 🙂 As you said OPD and thinking in English are more important than the lessons and I have to focus on them more.… report #16 – MehdiARad- 96Ord13
Dear Teacher I studied lesson 7. But I need to practice its conversations more. I also studied two sections of opd-chapter 5. It’s really difficult! Maybe you remember that I wanted to use labels already,… report #15 – MehdiARad- 96Ord10
Dear friend I finished lesson 6. I had a chat with my partner. It was a good exprience. He suggested that we chat based on the “900-english-sentenses”. What do you think? P.S: The spell “sentenses”… report #14 – MehdiARad- 96Ord08