Hello this is my 7th report and I learn and practise lesson 7 to 9 I am sorry be cos I don’t send report I want to make I’d Ian I’d in telegram and find… chaleshgar
Hello this is my 7th report and I learn and practise lesson 7 to 9 I am sorry be cos I don’t send report I want to make I’d Ian I’d in telegram and find… chaleshgar
Hello this is my 6th report I learn lesson 6 I like to have a partner but I am very busy and I have 3 work Is there any partner similar me? salamzaban: most of our… chaleshgar
Hello this is my 5th report I learn lesson 5 I can’t think English well Please help me Thanks salam zaban salamzaban: for having partner, please contact us: @salamzabanchat thank you
This is my 3th report I read lesson 3 tonight Do you recive my 1th and 2th reports? salamzaban: we just received 1 report from you thank you زبان آموزان دوره پیشرفته و امریکن لطفا… chaleshgar